The Era of Izuku

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Timeskip (1 hour)

Izuku is sitting next to Aizawa and is about to fall asleep when suddenly he hears Present Mic through the hospital speakers, "ATTENTION ALL UA STUDNTS, ATTENTION ALL UA SUDENTS, YOU ARE TO MEET PRINCIPLE NEZU ON FLOOR THREE, ROOM 56, IMMEDIATLY." Izuku jumps up and starts making his way to the third floor. once he reaches the second floor he sees Momo running up to him, "hey izu are you ok?" She asks, worry leaking from her voice

"I'm fine, lets head to the third floor and once this is all over, I have something I have to talk to you about" he said with what Momo thought was remorse.

Once they got there they were greeted by the rest of class 1A, no one dared to talk to Izuku, he was in a bad mood and they knew it, though they did feel bad so they exchanges a few nods. The pro hero Midnight stepped forward and spoke, "ok know that everyone is here, Nezu has somethings to say", Nezu then stepped forward. "Class 1A due to the...Issues that have occurred today, we have decided to let you all have two weeks to recover and train, we have also decided to implement a dorm system as to keep you, the students safe, so use this time to heal and train, go beyond Plus Ultra."

"PLUS ULTRA!!" The class yelled in unison, well all but one, Izuku.

Timeskip (30 min)

Izuku was walking with Momo by his side, Momo didn't know why but there was a lot of tension, she decided there was no better time than the present, "Izu what did you want to talk to me about?", he stayed silent for what felt like ages then turned to face her, "Momo I, I think we should take a break" he said with his face down.

"what, what do you mean, Izu I, is this a joke cause it's not funny, Izu answer me!" She said with confusion written all over her face.

Izuku lifted his head up and looked into her eyes, "Momo, i this is not a joke, i-i think we should break up for now."

Momo looked at him to make sure he was serious then burst out crying, "you-your brea-king up wi-wiith me." the tears kept on streaming down her face so she buried it into his chest.

"Momo it's not you ok so don't go doubting yourself", his face turned serious, "but I, I have my priorities straight now and I can't afford to mess around with women right now, no offence, so don't think of it as a break up just a break ok, but during this break i would like to by left alone, even by you."

Momo released her head from his chest but was still crying, "well I guess I can't stop you" she said, Izuku smiled at her and it hit her right in her heart, it was like being flooded with warmth, "fine, ok, I will wait for you, so go do whatever you have to, I'll be here waiting for when you come back" she said. he smiled once more before walking back to his house, leaving Momo.

once he reached his house he saw what looked like a mummy sitting down watching tv, "AIZAWA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, WHY AREN'T YOU IN THE HOSPITAL!" Izuku screamed at said mummy, Aizawa looked at him, "your so goddamn noisy, they dismissed me, now go to bed or something." Izuku smiled, he was glad his dad was alright and headed off to bed.

timeskip (the next day)

Izuku woke up and looked at the time, "6:15" he said aloud, he then got off and headed to the kitchen to meet Aizawa who was, as predicted, right there. Izuku walked up to him and looked at him in the eye, this took Aizawa by surprise, "I want to go train by myself, alone" he said, Aizawa looked back at him, "ok, just be back in time for school", "huh", Izuku was confused, "did you just allow it?" He asked just to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Aizawa answered, "yes, now go before I change my mind." So Izuku ran off to pack his things. earlier in the night Izuku decided that he wanted to train in the snowy mountains also know as The Icy Hell. so he packed his warmest clothes and everything else that would be necessary for his journey.

once he was packed he decided it was probably best to say bye to a certain someone, so he headed towards Bakugo's house, he hadn't talked to Bakugo very much since he cane to UA but the man was once his best friend so he felt that he owed it to him. once he had reached Bakugo's house he knocked on it three times, KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, and the person to open the door was Bakugo's mother, Mitsuki. once she had opened it, she looked at him and it looked like she had seen a ghost, "Izuku, you, you are back, it's been years" she forced him into a tight hug, "Miss Bakugo, i've been back for some time, didn't Kacchan tell you" Izuku said, she let go of him and said, "no, no he didn't", she turned back towards the house "HEY DUMBASS GET YOU LAZY UGLY ASS DOWN HERE!!"

"I'M COMING YOU STUPID HAG!!" Bakugo came down and saw Izuku, "Oi what are you doin here Deku", he flashed a small smile, Mitsuku grabbed his ear, "is that how you talk to a friend huh? and why didn't you tell me he was back?" Bakugo just looked at her then tuned away, "tch, it's not like you asked."



Izuku cut in before it got to heated, "guys, uhh 'm just here to say goodbye, i going away for two weeks." Mitsuki responded first, "What but you just got here, come have breakfast with us, Izuku tried to refuse but they just dragged him in anyway. "so Izuku, you never told us why you left or where you went" Mitsuki said, trying to get some answers and start some conversation at the same time. Izuku looked at her and responded, "I'm not allowed to tell you guys yet, but once I am, you two will be the first people I tell" Izuku said while smiling, they all ate and talked but eventually Izuku had to leave, so he headed back home grabbed his bag, said bye to Aizawa one more time and headed out to the mountain. 

he decided that he needed to train more, for this was a New Era, one of violence and evil but also one of justice and peace, for this was The Era of Izuku.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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