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timeskip (4 years)

It has been 4 years since Izuku got Eraser Head's and his Mother's Quirk, he is currently 8 years old the, doctors and everyone else are still unsure as why or how he got these particular quirks, or are they.

All Might while still in his buff form knocks on the door of a house, KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, "WHAT" answers the person on the other side of the door, it is then opened to reveal pro hero Eraser Head, "what do you want All Might" he asks while as dreary as ever, " remember our friend from 4 years ago" All Might replies, Eraser then gestures him to come in.

"has anything happened" Eraser asked with worry in his voice "no, but i may have a clue to what his quirk is" All Might said which relived Eraser but then All Might's face grew with worry which in turn panicked Eraser as well, "well, spill it" "i had some research done on his DNA and it's similarities, All For One's quirk allowed him to extract the DNA of others and implant it into his own, Izuku's Allows him to copy others DNA and add it to his own" All Might said "so that's how he got my red eyes" Eraser Head said as more of a question than a statement, All Might replied with "yes, but it seems that his quirk has 2 requirements, number 1, his Quirk will only activate if he is in a somewhat emotional state, number 2, it requires contact". After some discussion with Eraser Head about the process on how he received the information All Might's tone changed into a serious one "Eraser, if he enters the path of the villain or his Father comes back to recruit him, he could become a big problem" Eraser then replied with "well, simple, train him to be a hero" All Might didn't think this was a bad idea.

Timeskip (2 hours)

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK went the door of the Midoriya Household "yes, who is it" said Inko Midoriya, as she opened it she was surprised to see the same man from 4 years ago, "umm hello Mr Eraser Head, how may i help you" she said "i need to speak with you and your son"

"Izuku, Izuku, Izu" inko said while lightly shaking him "wake up" "huh i'm awake" he said "ok follow me" she then lead Izuku to the living room where he saw Eraser Head and started freaking out "ahhhh ERASER HEAD" Eraser then lightly smiled and "both of you please sit", they both took a seat on the sofa "yes" inko said as more of a question, "i have some good and bad news for both of you, we have figured out what Izuku's Quirk is" he then begins to explain what it is

timeskip (after he finishes explaining what it is) sorry i'm lazy

"WOAH" Izuku said Eraser then continued "now comes the bad news, as you both know, Izuku's father was number 1 villain and due to this many are afraid of or overly precarious of Izuku and the UA staff wish to raise Izuku as to make sure he remains on the hero's side if his dad were ever to return and train him to be a superb hero" once Eraser finished talking Inko was left speechless then with an angry tone stated "so you and the hero school want to take my son away from me because you don't trust him", Izuku didn't move or say anything just sat there thinking, "Mrs Midoriya we want you to understand that this is for the safety and health of all of us",  she was about to speak but was interrupted by Izuku, "mum, i want to go", after he said that she looked at him in confusion and worry, he then explained himself "if i want to become a hero, this is the best option". after hearing this, she knew he was right but didn't wanted to lose him, " Mrs Midoriya you will be able to have him during the weekends and we promise to take the upmost care of him", at this point Inko burst into tears "okay,okay,okay, you can take care of him".

Eraser Head then Gestured his hand towards Izuku, Izuku was about to grab it but then looked back at his mother, he ran to her and hugged her "bye bye" he said in which she responded with more tears. He than ran back to Eraser and grabbed his hand.

Eraser took Midoriya's hand and lead him into a black car that was parked outside of the house, Izuku entered the car and Eraser sat next to him, the lady driving the car started it up and they started moving, she was a person Izuku found familiar, he knew that she was a hero but she wasn't wearing her hero clothes so he wasn't 100% sure "umm ah Mrs Midnight" she then replied with "yes" and after Izuku started freaking out "wow, umm can i get a otograph"(he's 8, he cant pronounce big words) she then smiled and signed a piece of paper than gave it to him. Izuku then thinks to himself, wow all these hero's, there so amazing.

timeskip (10 minutes)

they arrive in a huge house, basically a mansion, "woah" Izuku says at his first time seeing it, "well, Izuku since everyone else is either too scared or busy, you'll be living with me" Eraser says which causes the boy to show a huge smile and hug Eraser, Eraser blushes, "well you seem to be enjoying this" Midnight says while smiling herself, this causes Erasers blush to vanish and he angrily starts glaring at her. "Izuku, lets go" he then opens the car door and they both leave. "Wow" Izuku says while entering the house, Eraser couldn't help but smile, "Mr Eraser Head can i go to the toilet" Izuku asks while bouncing up and down, "first off, we're going to be living together, you can call me Aizawa" this causes Izuku's face to explode with happiness, "and yes" Aizawa continues

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