Quirk Discovery

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timeskip (20 minutes) 

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, "Mrs Midoriya may you please open the door" shouted what sounded like a man. Inko Midoriya then walked up to the door and opened it, "excuse me, what is this about it is almost 3:30 in the morning." "we're sorry to interrupt you" said a man who looked just as tired as her and next to him was a man who was recognised by all "ALL MIGHT" she said in shock, this also woke up Izuku, "OHH my god, wh-what are yo-you doing he-here" she said with an obvious stutter and shock. "Mrs Midoriya, may we please come in" All Might Asked "o-of cc-course and call me Inko", Izuku then got up out of bed and started to walk toward the living room, "mo-mom is someone here" he said while yawning he then saw All Might and Eraser Head in his house and he near screamed "All Might, Eraser Head, ahhhhhhhhhhh" in joy, they both showed him genuine smiles and then he remembered what his dad had said about how they were out to get him and he started crying a little but quickly recovered, they both looked at him in confusion and realised he must know something.

"HELLO I'M ALL MIGHT, WHO MAY YOU BE" he said, Izuku replied with "my name is Izuku Midoriya" then his mother intervened "Izuku, go to your room" then the hero named Eraser Head said "excuse me miss mi-Inko, may we please speak with Izuku in Private" Inko then nodded and left the room. "hey there Izuku, i'm" "Eraser Head" Izuku said with some visible joy on his face, Eraser Head chuckled "yeah, i'm Eraser Head, we have some questions for you, do you mind answering them" Izuku tensed a little then nodded "okay Izuku, what's your dad's name" "Hisashi Midoriya" Izuku answered still tensing knowing where this conversation was headed, "okay, no.2, do you know what he does for work" Izuku thought about what to say to them "no" he said, All Might and Eraser Head looked at each other knowing that i was hiding something, then Eraser Head looked at him  "Izuku, please answer our questions honestly", Izuku then started crying, "he-he's a villain" Izuku said, they both looked at him and asked how do you know that then Izuku ran to his room and brought out the note to show to them.

timeskip (after All Might and Eraser Head had read the note)

Izuku sat on the sofa still crying, Eraser Head then approached him "Izuku, i know this is hard but thank you, you're helping us save the world, some would say you're a hero" Izuku visibly cheered up and hugged Eraser Head. "AHHHHHHHh" Izuku screamed "what's wrong Izuku" Eraser Head said Izuku replied with "AHH MY BAAHHH MY BACK". Eraser then lifted his shirt up and saw a symbol glowing as if being burned "is that his quirk" Eraser said while gesturing All Might to come look  "he is All For Ones's son, maybe we should check what his quirk is" all might said directing his attention to Eraser but Izuku answered "we don't know yet, it's a mutant quirk" All Might and Eraser looked slightly scared not knowing what his quirk was then he said "it's stopped hurting" he then turned around and the result send fear down Eraser's whole body "did he steal my quirk" Eraser said looking into his eyes which were red instead of their emerald green "Eraser I CAN'T USE MY QUIRK" All Might said which terrified Eraser he then activated his quirk and was very relieved when he found it was still there, "what's wrong" Izuku asked confused about what happened

 Eraser then lifted his shirt up and saw a symbol glowing as if being burned "is that his quirk" Eraser said while gesturing All Might to come look  "he is All For Ones's son, maybe we should check what his quirk is" all might said directing his a...

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All Might then walked up to Eraser's ear "it seems that he doesn't steal quirks but either borrows of mimics them, i can't be 100% sure" Eraser then whispered back "this kid has too much variables, what should we do" All Might then said to both of them "come on eraser, lets go and Midoriya" "yes" "it seems you got your quirk", Izuku then walked up to the mirror and saw his red eyes "COOL", while he was distracted "Eraser, we should have someone watch him every time he leaves the house until we can be sure he is not a threat" "a threat, he's 4 but i agree he should be watched at least for now", and then All Might looked at Izuku "young Midoriya, we shall be leaving now" Izuku was about to hug him but then backed away while feeling his back, All Might then patted his head, then him and Eraser left.

Once they left Izuku looked at his eyes one more time, he then blinked and they turned back to his usual green, he smiled and went back to bed.

timeskip (the next day in the morning)

'Mum, mum, mum, i got my quirk, i got it" Inko then wakes up, still half asleep she answers "that's great, give mommy 10 minutes, i'll get ready and then we'll go to the doctor, okay" Izuku nods and races down to get ready as well

timeskip (once they reach the doctors)

"Doctor Leorio will see you know" said the receptionist, both of the Midoriya's then entered the room "well this is very interesting" "what is it" asked Inko "well here is his previous result, as you can see here, the gene is different, this means that they have a quirk, now look at this one, the original strand is still here but there is another one as well" he said "what does that mean" inko asked with a confused "well it means the quirk that your son has showed is not the same quirk from the original test, it seems that he has gained another, whether this is become of his first unknown quirk or a coincidence is something we do not have the answer to, your son has also seemed to acquire the same quirk as the the hero, Eraser Head. "does that mean i'll be an amazing hero" Izuku asked, the doctor chuckled "of course". After that both of them went home as to get Izuku ready for school. 

timeskip (the next day at school)

"Kacc-Kacchan, look i got my quirk" Bakugo turned around and saw his red eyes "that's cool" he said, this made Izuku smile. After their class had ended, Bakugo walked up to Izuku "hey, what's your quirk do" Bakugo asked, this made Izuku smile, he activated his quirk and looked at Bakugo, "Kacchan use your quirk" "okay" he the tried to use his quirk but it didn't work "wh-what's going on" Bakugo asked confused, Izuku then smiled again and said with a proud expression "I have eyes like Eraser Head" Bakugo looked at him in surprise "THAT'S SO COOOL". He was happy that Bakugo complemented his quirk so he went home with a smile.

timeskip (once he reached home)

 "i'm home" he said "i'm in the kitchen" replied Inko, i'm making lunch, guess what it is, Izuku's face lit up "Katsudon" he said, he was so happy, he went and hugged her "AHHHHHHHHHH, MY BA- BACK AHHHHHHHHH IT HURTS AHHHHHH" "what's wrong"his mother said in a very scared tone. Izuku started panting heavily "haaaa haaaaa it's gone haaaaa haaaaa" he then went to bed as per to his mother's instructions and fell asleep

timeskip (once he wakes up)

"huh, i feel very tired" he said out loud he then went downstairs and went to reach for the katsudon but it came over to him, "WH-WHAT, did it fly to me?" he then pointed his hand towards the tv remote and just like the katsudon it flew over to his hand, "woah, i can do it like mommy does." he then goes to wake her up, once is awake he shows her what he can do and she is shocked, "my son has 2 quirks" she says aloud and Izuku just laughs.

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