The Meeting

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August 15, 2001 - 11:59 pm

Today it became clear we had a problem. I was planning on spending my evening with Jomaya, and Daddy was planning on spending the evening with me on the couch watching our favorite actor, Morgan Freeman in "Lean on Me."

It was his way of calling a truce. We'd barely spoken since Sunday and I could tell it was getting to him. And don't get me wrong—I was thrilled he wanted to hangout and watch a movie instead of save my soul. But I also didn't want to lose any of the ground I'd gained when I put my foot down about going to church.

So I tell him I already have plans and he says, "Oh Robbie can come over here and watch with us."

Note — He hasn't asked ONE thing about my life since he's been home.

I tell him I'm hanging out with my friend Jomaya. I tell him she's not a Morgan Freeman fan.

"What kind of person doesn't appreciate Morgan Freeman?" he grunts.

AC, who's been sitting on the couch nervously listening to every word, jumps in, " Dee and B-Jomaya are lovely girls, I—"

"There's two of them?" he asks.

"Well yeah," I answer before AC can do any more damage. "Aunt Conny's already met them and she thinks they're lovely."

"Well then they can be 'lovely' here in my kitchen for a few minutes," he says.

His kitchen. HIS fucking kitchen.

I should have told him that Jomaya is AC's ex-lover's, daughter's, BFF and that I am sleeping with her. Let his eyes fall out of his head onto HIS floor.

 6:30 PM

"Drug free?" I whisper through the crack of the front door. Jomaya is dressed in the same outfit as the day I met her— black pleather pants and a tight tank. I panic. Daddy is going to take one look at her and sit me down for 20 questions. I step outside with her, closing the door behind me. I'm about to nicely ask if she has a sweater she can put on, when she pulls me in for a kiss. I forget all about her outfit. "Are. You. Outta your mothafucking mind?" I slap at her shoulders, "Let. Go!" She releases me and only then do I realize Dee is standing next to her. "I didn't know you were coming."

"Boss made me." Dee says.

"Sorry babe," Jomaya says, "but I told Dee you wanted to talk." Jomaya slips inside leaving us alone.

"What do you want?" Dee asks without hiding her impatience.

"Look, I need you to know I am not going to hurt Jomaya. We're being crystal clear about what's going on between us and . . . come on, I'm a good person, you know that."

"Of course you are, Rosie. But you're also all over the place. You're not over June, you weren't exactly the nicest person to Boss when you first met her, and don't pretend you didn't have a super crush on ME a month ago."

I roll my eyes in response, neither confirming or denying the obvious truths.

"She likes you FOR REAL," Dee continues. "I don't care what she tells you."

The front door opens and AC pokes her head out. "Ladies get in here now!"

I follow AC through the door, whispering over my shoulder to Dee, "I'm not going to her hurt, okay? I promise you." But before I can get a reply out of Dee, AC ushers her over to my father.

"And this is Dee," AC says, an octave higher than normal.

That's when I see it. My father has Jomaya's left arm in his hands, meticulously inspecting her tattoos. He completely ignores AC as he tells Jomaya about a woman he met in Tijuana with a dragon tattoo on her left thigh.

"When were you in Tijuana?" I demand, momentarily snapping him out of his trance.

"Oh, you were there too, baby. Musta been when you were three or four. We went down for a day while visiting San Diego. Oh, this woman's dragon was beautiful. You can't put a tattoo on just anybody. You have to be able to wear them." He admires Jomaya's arm again. "And these are stunning, young lady."

I try to pass out. I literally try to pass the fuck out.

For the next 45 minutes, Jomaya-- tattoo having, clothes clinging to her body, I'm sleeping with her, Jomaya-- is my father's choice for Miss America. He fucking even glances at her cleavage! It's embarrassing with a dash of holy shit.

When the whole ordeal is finally over, he invites Jomaya and Bree back anytime. AC happily kicks the 3 of us out of the house and we spend the rest of the night at a bar in Silver Lake. Dee gets cozy in a booth with a semi-attractive architect named Carlos, and Jomaya and I do 3 rounds of shots, then have a competition to see who can get the most digits from strangers. I lose by six, which depresses me, but then Jomaya and I go to the car for a quickie and all is forgotten.

* * *

(。>‿‿<。 )

More to come...

To all my fellow lezzies, gays, queers, pans, aces, transqueens, kings & everyone in between. I see you. <3



Rosie's Diary. Copyright © 2013 Jai//Em

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