Chapter One

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A/N: I am so excited to start my new Blainchel story. I am taking a short break from my Smytheberry story, The Perfect You, and write for one of my other otp2, Blaine and Rachel. I love these two together. Happy Holidays and Enjoy the Story. Lets see where the story takes us.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, characters or songs.

Song: Let me Fall by Josh Gracin

Warning advised Some Smut/Mature Material



 Let's make love
 All night long
 Until all our strength is gone
 Hold on tight
 Just let go
 I want to feel you in my soul
 Until the sun comes up
 Oh, until the sun comes up
 Let's make love


 Oh baby, let's make love
 All night long
 All night long
 Let's make love

Blaine and Rachel leaned in at same time. They shared a frantic kiss that became heated and Rachel wrapped her legs around Blaine's waist as he held her against the wall.

"Are you sure you want this?" Blaine asked, looking into the small brunette's eyes for reassurance. He saw fear, but the tiniest glint of excitement; that's what propelled him forward. She nodded up at him, lifting her arms straight into the air. They both ignored the slight tremble of her fingertips.

In one swift movement, the Dappler Warbler grabbed the bottom hem of Rachel's tank top and pulled it over her head, leaving her standing in front of him in only her bra and a raggedy pair of sweatpants.

And yet she'd never looked more beautiful to him.

Before she could change her mind, he leant forward and placed his forehead against hers, gently. "I've wanted this for so long," he whispered, pushing a strand of his friend's hair behind her ear. She nodded in response, not trusting her voice. Instead, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him, allowing her body to speak for her.

The kiss was perfect, the right mixture of heat and need and love, and Blaine found his head becoming thick with fog, as it always did when he was attacked by Rachel's lips. He stepped back, out of her touch and into clarity.

He needed to make this moment perfect.

As fast as he had discarded Rachel's shirt, he removed his own, throwing it in a pile at the end of the bed. He hoped that she couldn't see the goose bumps from where she stood, barely a foot away.

He watched, with slight shock, as Rachel's thumbs disappeared into the top of her sweatpants, making a move to take them off. He moved to her fast, removing her hands and chuckling softly. "I'll do it," he said, dipping his thumbs into where hers had just been.

The electric shock of skin against skin- two areas that had never before touched- made Blaine's knees buckle. He breathed deep, composing himself.

In a breath, the pants were also in the pile at the end of the bed, long forgotten.

"Blaine," Rachel breathed, her cheeks flushed with full awareness of how little clothing she currently wore. She bit her lip and looked down to her friend's own pants, hanging low on his hips in the most tantalizing way. She made a move for the button, but he was too quick for her.

"I've got it," Blaine urged, fingering the button and smiling down at Rachel. She looked desperate for the removal of this article of clothing. Perhaps to even the playing field, he thought in amusement. He removed his fingers from the cold metal of the button, but thought better of it. This was not the time to play games.

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