Chapter 11

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A/N: Well the end of this story is near. And some maybe happy with the ending, and some may not. I think many of us can relate to Rachel in this story in some sense. I have often found myself trying to decide to stay & fight or to wake up and realize no much I love the person, is it worth keep getting my heartbroken. I love Blainchel, Samchel and Smytheberry in this story, hard to choose. Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, characters or song lyrics.


A week passes and it is time for opening night of West Side Story. Rachel was in her dressing room, and there is a knock on the door.

Rachel: Come in.

Sam: Hi Rachel..

Rachel: Sam, hi, what are you doing here?

Sam: Well, I've come to give you these flowers *hands her roses* and wish you luck tonight. You look beautiful.

Sam: You look amazing.

Rachel: Thank you so much. I am so nervous.

Sam: I can imagine. Listen, now may not be the bed time for this but I need to be honest.

Rachel: I don't know if I like where this is going.

Sam: I like you, alot, but I know your heart isn't 100 percent with me because you're still into Blaine. He's my best friend, but he doesn't deserve you. You have a big heart and I cant stand that he is still stringing you along expecting you to be there. I want to give us a try, but I don't want to be hurt lil I had been with Quinn, stuck in between she & Finn. You know exactly what I mean.

Rachel: *sighed* I do know how you feel, and don't think I haven't thought of that too.

Sam: Plus you will be off to New York soon. Who knows maybe we wind up together, or maybe we don't. Perhaps Blaine is you soul mate or you haven't yet met him. I want you to be happy and be with someone who can be 100 percent yours and you can give ALL of your heart too.

Rachel: I do care for you, Sam.

Sam: But, can you honestly give me 100 percent?

Rachel: I understand.

Sam: Hey, you still have me in your life regardless. Don't rule us out. We're just not right now.

Rachel: Sam, you are amazing.

Sam: So are you Rachel Berry..

Rachel stands on tiptoes and kisses him.

Rachel: Thank you Sam.

Sam: I'd better go to take my seat. Good luck, leading lady.

Rachel smiled, and didn't start crying until Sam left. It hurt, by in the end it was something she had been thinking about since the day she walked out of Blaine's house, just tired of waiting. She loves Blaine so much, but he's never been completely hers. His heart was divided, and she needs a man who completely and fully wants her for JUST HER. Sometimes Friends with Benefits or star crossed lovers just doesn't work. He can't give her exactly what she needs. She has to learn to be strong and do what's right for Her, Rachel Barbra Berry. Let's be honest, if they were meant to be, then he would already be there. Rachel knows what she needs to do. She just hopes he won't hate her.

Artie stopped by her dressing room. The rest of the cast was already onstage performing. She was waiting for her cue. "5 minutes, Rachel."

Rachel: On my way...

Blaine knocked on the door. "Hey Maria, are you ready?"

Rachel: I'm ready, Tony.

Rachel and Blaine walked to side stage to watch the play..she looked out to the crowd and spotted Sam sitting with some of the Glee members, and Sebastian was there with the Warblers. The play moved along and the audience really seemed into it. Soon it was time for the duet "One Hand, One Heart."

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