Chapter 10

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A/N: Well the year is coming to a close fast, and next week the final season of Glee begins. I have to admit I can't wait. Especially to see the warblers, Rachel sing "Let it go", Blainchel singing"Suddenly Seymour" and happy to see more Blainchel moments. Feels! As for this story, I am going to speed things up and get them closer to opening night to West Side Story. Blaine and Rachel need to decide if its Blainchel vs. Klaine/Samchel. They both do need to tell Kurt the truth. It won't be pretty but needs to be done. Thank you for feedback.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, characters or songs used.


Kurt and Blaine sat at their usual table at the Lima Bean. It had been a month since Rachel and Blaine had their talk. Blaine feels bad that he has neglected his relationship with Kurt lately because, well quite frankly, he's been consumed with his situation with Rachel.

It's not that he doesn't care for Kurt because he does, and a part always will love Kurt. His feelings have changed, and what he feels for Rachel is stronger. He feels tethered to her. Eventually he will need to be open with Kurt, and you really can't hide anything from Kurt Hummel because he's always perceptive. And he would lash out at Rachel first.

Kurt: So Blaine, the play is coming up, are you excited??

Blaine: Hmm? Yes very excited. Rachel and I have been rehearsing a lot.

Kurt snorted "Yes I have noticed. If I didn't know you both any better I would think you were getting serious."

Blaine: What? What do you mean by that?

Kurt: I was joking, Blaine. I just can't see anyone wanting to spend THAT much time alone with Rachel Berry.

Blaine: She's a good person. And you know what Kurt, you hate being bullied YET you gossip and make nasty comments towards Rachel. You say you're her best friend, yet you cut her down. She's been nothing BUT kind to you, Kurt.

Kurt: She is my best friend. Yet she steals the spotlight. Mercedes should be Maria.

Blaine: She had the opportunity yet had a diva fit and walked out. I get she wants to shine and she does. But tho is beyond the musical. You always cut her down, and I am not cool with that.

Kurt: Geez since when have you joined the Rachel Berry Fan Club? What is up with you lately and don't think I haven't noticed.

Blaine:*sigh* Let's forget it. I'm just saying if for a second get rid of your jealousy towards Rachel and really get to know her beyond Glee, she's an amazing person.

Kurt: Why would I do that?

Blaine: Never mind. So how about you, what's new?

Kurt: Well, plenty... *Kurt began to rant on about something and Blaine tried to be the good boyfriend and just well, listen. He was paying so much attention to Kurt, he hadn't noticed Rachel walking in but wasn't alone. And not with Sam, but with...Sebastian?!


Sebastian and Rachel order their drinks, and Sebastian spots Kurt and Blaine at their table. He whispered to Rachel, and pointed to Klaine. Rachel blushed, and soon the pair walked to the table.

Sebastian: Well well if it isn't Lady Hummel the First and Nighthawk Blaine.

Kurt: Get out of here, Sebastard.

Sebastian: This is a public place, and I am a paying customer so no I will stay.

Blaine: Rachel, where's Sam?

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