Chapter 8

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A/N: Hope everyone is enjoying the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, characters or song lyrics.


Rachel and Blaine were in the Auditorium rehearsing for West Side Story. The show was in less than a month, and even though there was tension between Blaine and Rachel, the show must go on. Both were equally committed to their roles.

Artie: Okay Blaine and Rachel, let's rehearse "Tonight".

Blaine looked at Rachel and nodded. As they prepared to sing, Blaine just stared at Rachel . He was always memorized when Rachel sang. He was glad she was His Maria.


Tonight, tonight
 It all began tonight
 I saw you and the world went away


 Tonight, tonight
 There's only you tonight
 What you are, what you do, what you say


 Today, all day I had the feeling
 A miracle would happen
 I know now I was right


 For here you are
 And what was just a world is a star


 Tonight, tonight
 The world is full of light
 With suns and moons all over the place


 Tonight, tonight
 The world is wild and bright
 Going mad
 Shooting sparks into space


 Today the world was just an address
 A place for me to live in
 No better than alright


 But here you are
 And what was just a world is a star


 Good night, good night
 Sleep well and when you dream

 Dream of me


*Both Rachel and Blaine quickly glanced at one another, wiping tears away*

Coach Beiste, Ms. Pillsbury, and Artie applauded.

Blaine: Coach Beiste, are you going to cry everytime we sing?

Coach B.: I am such a girl.

Ms. Pillsbury: My only suggestion is more teeth.

Artie: Something is missing. You both seem distant, you lack passion. Not to get to personal, but have either of you ever done it?

Ms. Pillsbury and Coach Beiste: Got to go.

Rachel: Um, excuse me, Artie but that's personal.

Blaine: What does that have to do with the song?

Artie: The song is about sexual awakening. You both lack passion. Have either of you done it? I remember my first time with Brittany,I felt like a man , even though she called me the wrong name four times.

Blaine: Just waiting for the right time.

Rachel: Yes, he's right. *whispers to Blaine* I'm so glad you're my Tony.

Artie: As your director, all I ask is to work on it. Other than that, it was beautiful. Now if you will excuse me I need to talk to the rest of the cast. * wheels away*


Rachel: We lack passion? I always thought opposite of that.

Blaine: I agree, but of course he doesn't know that.

Rachel: Of course not.

Blaine: Rachel, please, lets not get into a fight again.

Rachel: I wasn't trying to. We both have to set aside our differences and work together.

Blaine: For what its worth, that was amazing. And...I miss you, Rae. And not just the love making, but our friendship as well. What happened to us? This isn't us.

Rachel: There isn't an us, Blaine. At least not rich now. You're with Kurt, and I'm sorta with Sam, just not officially.

Blaine: Why Sam?

Rachel: Right now he makes me happy. He makes me smile, laugh, and feel good about myself. He wants to be with me beyond the bedroom. He hasn't even tried to go that far yet.

Blaine: I want that too Rachel.

Rachel: You say that. And I want to believe you, but right now I don't see it. Actions speak louder. Right now we need time apart. If we are meant to be, well, we wait and see. I don't know, you could be my endgame or who knows maybe Sam. Maybe neither. I do love you, I am just tired of hurting.

Blaine: I'm not giving up, Rae. *kissing her cheek * I'll see you later, Rachel.

Blaine left, and Rachel sat on stage. Why does love have to be a battlefield.

 "Battlefield" (A/N: Lea Michele)


It's easy to fall in love
 But it's so hard to break somebody's heart
 What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield
 Once lust has turned to dust and all that's left's held breath
 Forgotten who we first met
 What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield

 We both know it's coming
 Does illusion count for something we hide?
 The surface tension's gotta break, one drop is all it takes to flood out this lie

 You and I
 We have to let each other go
 We keep holding on but we both know
 What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield
 Peace will come when one of us puts down the gun
 Be strong for both of us
 No please, don't run, don't run
 Eye to eye, we face our fears unarmed on the battlefield

 We seemed like a good idea
 We seemed like a good idea

 No blood will spill if we both get out now
 Still it's hard to put the fire out
 What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield
 Feelings are shifting like the tide
 And I think too much about the future
 What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield

 We both know it's coming
 Does illusion count for something we hide?
 The surface tension's gotta break, one drop is all it takes to flood out this lie

 You and I
 We have to let each other go
 We keep holding on but we both know
 What seemed like a good idea has turned into a battlefield

 Peace will come when one of us puts down the gun
 Be strong for both of us
 No please, don't run, don't run
 Eye to eye, we face our fears unarmed on the battlefield

 We seemed like a good idea
 We seemed like a good idea
 We seemed like a good idea

 Rachel sang the last verse, fighting back tears, and heard Sam appear.

Sam: Hey Rachel, are you ready to head home?

Rachel smiled and grabbed his hand. "Yes I am ready," she said.

Sam kissed her forehead, "Let's get you home beautiful."


A/N: Sorry if too short. read & review please.

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