Chapter 3

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A/N: Wow Christmas is almost near, and its a cold drizzly day. I decided to update a few stories. This story probably won't be too long, by I am all for a happy Blainchel how about you? We will get them there, but right now there is a big obstacle: Kurt. And I love Blam friendship. Sam is right: Let everything fall into place. Read & Review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, characters, or songs. The song used in this chapter is "You shouldn't kiss me like this" by Toby Keith. I think this song fits Blainchel.


Rachel and Blaine were laying on her bed, entangled with each other. Blaine swore that he was just coming over to talk to her. And Rachel was determined not to let this happen again. But, if they were completely honest with each other...there was no other place either wanted to be.

Blaine held her closely, afraid to let her slip away again. He knew he was being selfish, but after being apart for a week, he didn't care. This is where he felt most complete and content, was in Rachel's arms.

Blaine: Rachel?

Rachel: Hmm?

Blaine: Are we okay?

Rachel turned to look at him. She wrapped her arms tighter, kissing along his chest.

Rachel: I don't think we were ever really okay. Neither of us has really been honest. We denied our feelings, and lied to our significant others, but for some reason this feels right. We're like pieces of a puzzle scattered but fit together. Does that make sense?

Blaine: Weirdly yes it does. I don't know what we are going to do. I think we have to find a way for this not to be so complicated.

Rachel: *sigh * I am angry with myself because I swore to myself this would never happen again. And here we are again. I don't want to be "the other woman." I deserve better, and worth ten times more than this. I won't be someone's secret. Someone is always going to get hurt.

Blaine: Sam said the same thing.

Rachel: He knows from dealing with Quinn and Finn. We have that in common. AND I AM the one Kurt will lash out at.

Blaine: We will figure it out. *looks at alarm clock* Guess I'd better head home before my parents send out a search party. Kurt has been messaging me also.

Rachel: Guess you better answer him then.

Blaine: Don't be that way please?

Rachel: I'm not. Guess you should go. You know the way out.

Blaine: Walk me out?

Rachel: Okay *kissing him*

Ten minutes later...

Rachel walked Blaine to the door. He pushed her against the door and passionately kissed her, then pressed their foreheads together.

Blaine: I have to go, but see you at school. Meet me in Auditorium so we can rehearse our lines, My Maria.

Rachel: I will see you soon, my Tony. I am glad you're my Tony and no one else.

Blaine: I hope not because I'd have to kick someone's ass then.

Rachel chuckled. "Go..Now.."

Blaine: Going going gone...

Rachel: Did you seriously just quote Montgomery Gentry?

Blaine: And Scotty McCreery.

Rachel: I love you, weirdo.

Blaine: I love you too, beautiful.

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