Chapter 4

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A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! I am back with another chapter of Let Me Fall. Also if you can please check out my other stories. I will update more when I can, although since it's Christmas, I'll be spending time with my daughter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, characters, or song lyrics.

Song: Stay by Sugarland


Blaine and Rachel had left the auditorium, arm in arm, after their impromptu"rehearsal". Little did they that someone was watching them.........Sam. 'I knew those two had feelings for each other. If only they weren't so damn stubborn,' he thought, smirking as he left the balcony of the Auditorium.

Meanwhile Blaine and Rachel were walking back to their lockers to get their belongings and head home. Blaine held Rachel's hand, and when they each reached their locker they would shyly glance at the other. Blaine looked around to make sure no one was watching before he would blow her a kiss. Rachel would blush then blow a kiss back. For just a moment, everything felt right. Rachel felt like an actual couple with Blaine until...yep you guessed it...Kurt.

Kurt:Blaine! Where have you been?! I've been looking for you !

Blaine stole a quick glance at Rachel, who looked away.

Blaine: Um, Kurt, I've been right here getting my bag and then head home.

Kurt: Want to come over my house later? I feel lil its been ages. If I didn't know you so well I would think that you had someone else.

Blaine: What? Now why would I do that? That's just crazy talk. You know I am with you, Kurt. I, *although looking at Rachel*, love you. Yep I love you. Now let's head over to your place.

Kurt kissed Blaine, linked his arm through Blaine's, and walked by Rachel.

Kurt: We will see you tomorrow, Rach. Love you Diva.

Rachel: Klaine! Love you both too!

Kurt whispered to Blaine: That's really sad & pathetic. We really need to find Rachel someone. Too depressing to be alone.

Blaine: I don't think it's our place to interfere.

Kurt: You're right. I don't think anyone could put up with her obsessive personality and horrible fashion.

Blaine: Really Kurt? You're supposed to be Rachel's best friend, yet you tear her down as much as Quinn and Santana. Yet she always has YOUR back?

Kurt: Geez when did you become President of the Rachel Berry fan club? You're MY boyfriend remember?!

Blaine: I'm just saying and now is not the place or time.

Kurt: I'm going to overlook this little mental breakdown of yours. Let's just go to my house.

Blaine: Of course, Kurt. Love you.

Rachel watched the pair leave as she walked to her car.

It hurt so much watching Blaine and Kurt together. One minute she was in the Auditorium dancing with Blaine falling more in love.She felt a pang of hurt and jealousy when she saw the two kiss. Everyone accuses Rachel of getting everything when in fact she ends up with nothing. She's always cheated on and left behind as if she never mattered. Yes she messed up with Finn by making out with Puck. She made a big mistake yet Finn was helping Quinn cheat on Sam. Plus lied about him & Santana. It felt like Cupid kept shooting the arrow at her like a cruel joke. She was falling in love with Blaine Devon Anderson yet there was nothing she could do. He was taken by Kurt, and Kurt would never forgive either of them. Girls like Rachel never get chosen, she reminded herself.

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