Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey everybody! Back for another chapter. Don't worry I haven't abandoned my other stories. I'll update The Perfect You and Make it Real soon. Thank you for the positive response to Let Me Fall. Last chapter I added a little bit of Samchel and a jealous Blaine to the story, but don't worry Blainchel will be endgame. Rachel needs to be with someone who will treat her right and like she sang, she's not going to just settle anymore, and Blaine's being a little unfair and like Sam said "needs to get his head out of his ass. He loves Rachel, yet staying with Kurt. Plus he needs to show Rachel that he wants more than just sex from her. I guess I can relate because I've sort of been in this situation where I stayed with a guy on and off for almost five years. And he told me he loved me blah blah blah and yet only time he wanted to come around for was physical but got mad if I ignored him. Finally I walked away. But in this story Blainchel are endgame. So for my readers what do you think? Team Blainchel or Team Samchel?

Warning: Mature content/language included.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, the characters or song lyrics.


Rachel ran out of the choir room after Blaine's performance. Why does he do this? Why is being clearly unfair. She needed air. As she ran, she heard someone follow behind her. Tears were streaming down her face, and she cried, "Blaine leave me alone!"

Sam: I'm not Blaine, Rachel.

Rachel stopped running, and turned around to see Sam standing in front of her, trying to catch his breath.

Sam: Damn Rae, you can run. Ever think of trying out for the track team? *joking*

Rachel: Very funny. I'm not really in the mood, Sam. I'm sorry.

Sam: Hey, I get it and I have to admit I am really proud of you for standing up to Blaine. That song should apply to Finn ,too. And anyone else who crosses Rachel Berry.

Rachel: Does that include you too?

Sam: I am not going to hurt you, Rachel. I'm not sure what this is yet, and maybe it's nothing. I think we are starting off as very good friends and go from there. I know where your heart lies.

Rachel: He's never going to leave Kurt. He was never really mine. I guess I was just an experiment or someone to satisfy his urges. I don't know. I want someone who wants ONLY me and to love me unconditionally and not just for sex. In his mind it's okay if he has someone but gets jealous if someone simply looks my way.

Rachel sat on the floor in tears. "What's wrong with me, Sam? Why am I not enough? Why am I always an option or the "other woman." Am I that terrible? I am tired of crying all the damn time," she cried.

Sam hates seeing anyone crying, especially girls. It was one of his weaknesses. Sam sat down next to her, sat her on his lap, and cradled her in his arms and let her cry. "Shh its going to be okay, Rach," he soothed. Rachel continued to sob until she saw Blaine come out of the choir room,.and he and Rachel just looked at each other. He started to walk towards them, but Rachel got up quickly and walked away. "Sam, I need to get going..but, thanks for being there for me," She said.

Sam: Rach you cant keep running away..Don't let him scare you away. Remember you're worth more. Give it time, or just move onto someone who will want you and be proud to call you HIS.

Rachel sighed. "You're right. Maybe I am being overdramatic..again.

Sam smirked, "Well you are Rachel Berry, after all."

Rachel playfully smacked his arm, "Shut up!"

Sam: How about we stop off at Bananarama's to pick up some ice cream and we watch any movie of your choice.

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