Chapter 7

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A/N: Thank you for the feedback. Also a quick note, I love both Blainchel and Samchel. I do not want to start any bashing or ship wars. You are all open to ship which team you like better. I just wanted to add some drama and angst to the story. So Blaine may seem a bit OCC. He's actually a great character, as is Sam. My otp for Rachel is Sebastian, but I think it's fun to see her paired with other characters instead of always Jesse or Finn (love both as well). I may keep Rachel with Sam for awhile but my goal is Blainchel. Although you never know what happens. Would you like a happy Blainchel or both just walk away?

I'll be updating The Perfect You sometime this weekend, I can't abandon Sebastian and Rachel. Lol.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, characters, or song lyrics.


A few weeks have passed since the last Rachel had spent time alone with Blaine aside from rehearsals. Both were professional enough to not let their differences interfere with the musical. Plus no one else could play her Tony.

She missed Blaine, She really did, and hopes someday soon he will wake up and realize what's in front of him. And perhaps he won't. She can't make him love her the way she wants him to. But she won't be anyone's home wrecker either. He says he loves her, but let's be honest, he has a weird way of showing it. If he truly wants Rachel, he will need to prove it to her.

In the meantime, Rachel has been hanging out with Sam lately. He is so sweet, and she has noticed that Quinn, Santana, and even Mercedes dishing evil glares at her and whispering. Guess they don't believe Samchel would work or not. And for once Rachel didn't care what they think. They didn't work out with Sam, and maybe she has a chance. She doesn't know who she's meant to be with. But isn't this the time when she should sate before settling down with one guy?

Sam arrived a half hour later for their date. Rachel was dressed in skinny jeans, a v neck sweater that accentuated her curves, and left her hair down in a wave of curls plus light makeup. She grabbed her coat, purse, money, and keys. She opened the door for Sam.

Rachel: Hi Sam.

Sam: Whoa, Rachel you look..just whoa.

Rachel: Thank you, you look nice to.

Sam: Ready for the movies?

Rachel: I am ready, so let's get going.

Sam grabbed her hand, while Rachel locked her door, and led her to the truck and helped her into the car.

Sam and Rachel drove to the movie theatre to watch Country Strong starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Tim McGraw. Rachel even noted how much Gwenyth resembled Ms. Holliday.

Rachel and Sam sang along to the songs, laughed, and Rachel even spotted a tear rolling down Sam's face. As they were leaving the theatre after the movie, Rachel turned to stroke Sam's cheek.

Rachel: Sam, are you crying?

Sam: What? No I don't cry.

Rachel: It's okay to show your sensitive side. It's attractive to me.

Sam: Really?

Rachel: Of course. I love how you can be open with me.

Sam: Same here, Rachel. Ooh my song is on the radio. I love this song. Don't freak out if I sing.

Rachel smiled. "Why would I freak out? I love your voice. It is a nice change then to always singing Bieber songs. Just like Blaine's obsession with Katy Perry.

Sam: Haha as opposed to Streisand? *teasing*

Rachel: I'm going to politely pretend you didn't just say that, Samuel Evans.

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