Food fight

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☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ CHAPTER FOUR ࿐ྂ
Food fight

"Hey stop being a creep, lead the way

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"Hey stop being a creep, lead the way." All of my siblings came down the stairs, dressed in jeans, denim jackets, skirts, sneakers, chains, sunglasses and glasses, earrings, backpacks, fanny packs, you name it they had it.

We left the house running down the street, running to the address Oikawa sent me. "Why do we have to run so much?!" Gōjasu yelled at me. "I don't have a car!" I yelled back. Soon, I saw Iwaizumi standing by with Oikawa in the distance.

When we're almost in front of them, Azayakasa squeals and covers her eyes tripping and making Yakutatazu in front of her fall. "Ow- you brat!" He yelled as he landed on the pavement. Gōjasu and Sumāto stopped and laughed. "WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" And next thing I knew I was on the floor with Gōjasu on top of me. Sumāto squatted done and laughed at me.

"You did fall for me," Oikawa smirked while Iwaizumi helped me up. "This sucks..." while covering my face. "Why didn't you tell me your siblings were coming?" Iwa-chan asked me. "It was a surprise. Mom went on a business trip for a couple of weeks and now I have to take care of these fuckers." I sighed while holding my temple. "At least hopefully Sumāto will help me," he yelled a nope! from behind me after that though.

"You know we can come over and help.
Iwaizumi added. Oikawa surprised.
"A girl's house?? I see Iwa-chan-" "Shut up crappykawa!" He hit him, but I thought about it. "Well, I'm not sure. Karasuno's having a training camp in Tokyo so I don't know who to leave my siblings with." I sigh. "I might have to stay behind to take care of them." I close my eyes miserably. "I was so excited to see Kuroo and Akashi and Bokuto too..."

Azayakasa stood behind me and whispered in my ear. "what if he hits me?? Y/n can we go home??" I turned to her and whispered in her ear. "We'll be fine, he wouldn't hurt you, except this guy," I said while pointing my thumb at Oikawa with a grin.

We entered the store and sat down at the table, ordering our food. "Y/n, you're so cute~" Oikawa booped my nose. "And your hair is a crow's nest," I added while sipping my water. I laughed quietly while Oikawa pouted.

Soon enough Oikawa gets up and buys milk bread. My eyes light up when he brings it back. "Can I have a piece?" He smirks and gave me a piece. I nudge Gōjasu and give it to her, knowing she loves milk bread too. Oikawa's eyes widen a little seeing my kind gesture. "What? never seen sibling love before?" I smiled. Gōjasu mumbled she doesn't love me, but for this once she'll let it pass.

"No it's just, that was a kind gesture." He smiles softly. The heat starts rising up to my face. "I'm guessing you don't do that very often?" Iwaizumi nods and I chuckle. "HEY! GIVE IT BACK!!" Yakutatazu yells at Sumāto, trying to reach for his video game. "EAT THEN YOU DWEEB!" I close my eyes and grin, pissed. Iwaizumi already starts covering his eyes, and whispers to Oikawa he should too.

"SHUT UP! IF YOU KEEP YELLING IN HERE IM GONNA STEAL ALL OF YOUR GAMES AND MANGA BOOKS AND BREAK ALL OF THEM!" I threatened with a menacing glare, them yelling back at me. Soon enough Sumāto starts throwing his food at me and lands directly on my shoulder. My angry grin faded away and my face is blank. Iwaizumi tries to get under the table so he can avoid the disaster about to begin

I snatch some of my food and launch it at Sumāto, some of it landing on him and on Gōjasu. "MY MAKE UP!!" She squeals and throwing her food back at both of us. A food fight begins. An egg thrown from Yakutatazu lands in Oikawa's hair and  Azayakasa's bagel slams into Imaizumi's face. Iwa-chan's never looked angrier and Oikawa looks like he's about to cry.

Azayakasa also looks like she's gonna cry after hitting Iwaizumi. Lucky for her we got kicked out before Iwa-chan could yell. Outside I get a good look at every one. They were all covered in each other's food. I sigh, also being covered in food myself. "You guys, let's head home." And I turn on my heel. "You too, Iwaizumi and Oikawa. I have spare clothes for all of you guys." Soon I feel like a mom crow, looking back at all the baby crows covered in food following me home.

I open the door and kick off my shoes, everyone doing the same. We flip coins deciding who showers first. This is the list:
Azayakasa, Sumāto, y/n, iwaizumi, Yakutatazu, Oikawa, and then Gōjasu.

Gōjasu cried to herself why she's last and runs into her room to wait. Most of my siblings go to their rooms while Yakutatazu's snacking on something in the kitchen and I'm sitting down with Oikawa and Iwa-chan. "Today was fun wasn't it?" I laughed. "Fun until your sister started throwing food at you." Iwaizumi smiled a little. "today was terrifying." Oikawa mumbled remembering my blank face and the egg landing in his hair, which is still there.

Soon I hear upstairs Azayakasa yelling out for Sumāto. "Hey, you can shower now." "finally." He mumbled passing by her, Sumāto doesn't take long, because he wasn't the type to take 1-hour showers, so soon it was my turn. "I'll be right back you two." I dash past Sumāto who comes and sits with them and has boy talk.

I smile and shiver when the lukewarm shower hits my skin and my hair. Oikawa comes to mind and I remember how he called me cute. I unconsciously smile thinking about it. I finish up and change into new clothes, and run downstairs. "Iwa-chan, it's your turn." I give him a towel and some clothes from Sumāto's room.

He enters the bathroom and I sigh, leaning back onto the couch. "Shittykawa, remember when I fell into the bush." he grins at the memory. "-and when the umbrella closed on your face." I gave him a look with a smile that meant I hate you. But I turn away and stare at the ceiling fan. "At least I met you through it right?"

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