I'm sorry

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I'm sorry

I slammed my house door open and ran in and locked the door behind me

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I slammed my house door open and ran in and locked the door behind me. Azayakasa looked at me and almost screamed at the boy behind me. "W-W-W-Wh-" She froze in her spot, Sumāto and Yakutatazu ran down the stairs. They looked at Kageyama and me back and forth until Sumāto spoke up.

"Why did you bring a boy?" I sighed and told Kageyama to sit down and chill. "Oikawa was chasing us after his girlfriend dropped a milkshake on me," I said. Yakutatazu deadpanned at me looking at me up and down. "Yea no really?" Suddenly there was a loud knocking on my door.

Sumāto grabbed his bat and opened the door. "What the hell do you want with us, trash king, " Venom laced in his voice. "I..." He started but didn't continue until Yakutatazu started hitting pans together and singing. "Come on!! I need more drama!" Was his reason.

"I-I'm sorry!" He yelled out. Everyone looked at him disappointed. "Did you really have to run after us though, " Kageyama retorted obviously annoyed. "I thought you wouldn't talk to me anymore." He said and looked at the floor. I stomped my way to the door. "Just fuckin say sorry through text and explain why your crazy ass bitch did that!" I yelled almost pulling out my hair.

"You don't have to chase us and basically lock me inside the bakery!" Sumāto gripped his bat again.
"He did WHAT?" Azayakasa was passed out on the floor, out of fear of the presence of a bat and a man nearly breaking down their door.

"Just... Go home, " I finished and closed the door. Sumāto dropped his bat and Yakutatazu was laughing his ass off seeing his sister passed out on the floor. "Tobio, you can stay here for the night." I was stopped by Kageyama before I could shower. "No, it's ok. I wanna talk to Oikawa about something anyway, "

He left and I went upstairs to shower. The milkshake melting on me made me reek of chocolate. Which to be honest I wouldn't have cared if I wasn't covered in actual chocolate.
Changing into clean clothes, I went downstairs and saw most of my siblings peeking through the slightly open window.

"Hey what's-" Yakutatazu slapped his hand over my mouth. He placed a finger over his mouth telling me to be quiet. I got on my knees and looked outside with him and Sumāto. There Kageyama and Oikawa were talking. And what they were talking about confused me a bunch.

"I did it because I wanted to say sorry, " Oikawa said while making annoying gestures. "You're lying." Kageyama almost made him admit. Oikawa stayed quiet and mumbled something to him and then started going home. Kageyama did the same.

"What were they saying before?" I quietly asked Sumāto. "Kageyama said 'how do you feel about her?' But Oikawa didn't speak loud enough for us to hear." He said while grabbing a carton of juice. Yakutatazu began explaining how Oikawa probably had feelings for me but he chased Kageyama down to murder him so I and Oikawa could live happily ever after.

Ignoring that he said, I went to my room and called Iwaizumi.

"Hey, brat, "

"What do you want?"
The smile was audible in his voice.

"I have a... Question."


"So today I went to this bakery with Tobio or Kageyama, and Oikawa showed up with his girlfriend. Then she got mad and spilled a milkshake over me, "

"Oikawa's girl did that?"


"I'm gonna beat some sense into him about his girlfriend tomorrow."

"When we got up to leave, he blocked the door and we had to jump out a window, " 

I paused.

"After we jumped out, Oikawa started running after us."

"Yea I'm definitely going to beat his ass."

I let out a peaceful laugh.
"Please do, " 

I said goodnight and we hung up and went to sleep early due to the tiredness of running away from an athlete.

I woke up to squeals. "What the fuck," mumbling curse words to myself, I slipped on a hoodie and went downstairs. "Why are you yelling..." My eyes widen when the view in front of me hits me. Mom was squealing and writing down everything she possibly can about a certain chocolate haired setter, who sat in front of her.

I ignored it and sat next to Gōjasu, who was giving Oikawa flirty looks. Still having a crush on him, I wasn't very pleased with her but I tried my best not to care. Plugging in my headphones, I got toast and turned up my music. No way I was gonna listen to these two.

I sent Kageyama a text saying sorry about everything yesterday, and then I asked the karasuno group chat if there was homework. Tobio said it was ok, and Suga said there was biology homework with a ":P".

Mentally groaning, I opened my social media and checked what people tweeted. After checking out a few artworks, joke tweets and threads, I turned off my phone and was about to go upstairs until mom hit my shoulder.

"Ow! What?" I said, slightly bothered. "Can I transfer you to Aobajohsai?" She pleaded to me. "No. Why?" I said annoyed. "Because Toru goes there, and he's very sweet, " She gave me what I think was supposed to be puppy eyes, but they definitely didn't work on me. "I'm doing fine at Karasuno." I retorted and got up.

"Wait-" Oikawa said. I turned around and looked at him, which meant he could speak. "Can we go somewhere?" My mom almost let out a screech, and I nodded. If gets me away from homework, I'll do it. Gōjasu glared daggers at me, which I simply stuck my tongue out at.

I went upstairs and took a shower quickly, and then went to my room and got dressed. Today was a simple outfit, something comfortable and soft. I woke up not too long ago either.

Oikawa almost got a grasp of my hand, but I was reminded he had a girlfriend. So before he got it I acted like I was adjusting my hoodie.

I waved goodbye to my mom and flipped Gōjasu off. And Oikawa basically begged me to hold his hand, which I finally agreed to.

" Let's go."

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