training camp 2.0

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☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ CHAPTER SEVEN ࿐ྂ
Training Camp saga 2.0

"Kuroo, don't jump on her like that

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"Kuroo, don't jump on her like that. She just got up the stairs. You might've pushed her down them." Akaashi warned him while pulling Kuroo back with me in his arms. "Today started off weird, how have you guys been-?" I barely finished my question when I hear an all too familiar "HEY HEY HEY" Behind Akaashi.

Bokuto jumps on top of me and Kuroo. Thank god Akaashi pulled us away from the stairs or all three of us would be tumbling down the stairs by now. "How was your nap?" Bokuto asked me. "eh? how did you know I took a nap?" I asked confused. I never told them I was gonna nap, did they stalk me?

I pull out my phone and check my messages, and see that the group chat continued. Along the lines of someone taking my phone and taking a pic of me sleeping. "... WHO TOOK MY PHONE AND TOOK PICTURES OF ME SLEEPING?!" I screamed while looking back at the Karasuno team.

Many eyes landed on Tsukishima and Tanaka and Nishinoya. Tsukki's excuse was he didn't care if I was asleep or dead, Tanaka and Nishinoya said they would never invade a woman's space like that. ", it was me," Yachi told me quietly. As soon as I turn around and gave her a big glare she spits out a million 'I'm sorry!'. I realized who I was glaring out and then it was my turn to say I'm sorry a million times. "Y/n's so weird..." I heard Kuroo say. "SHUT UP YOU CAT!"

We walk in the school, the coaches showing everyone their rooms. I was sharing a room with Yachi and Kiyoko, which made me glad that I didn't have to stay with the boys. "Finally." I sighed happily as my body hit the sheets. "These rooms really nice, excited about the training camp?" Yachi shyly asked Kiyoko. She nodded in response.

Yachi and Kiyoko went somewhere, so I was alone in the room. I was scrolling through snap chat out of boredom until someone started texting me.

Parasite 1 is typing...

Oh no, it's shittykawa. I looked around for an escape and realized it's a phone. Just don't answer, others would say. But I wanted to respond, no clue why.

Parasite 1
4:42 pm-
Hey y/n

Umbrella girl
4:42 pm-
Hi shit face

Parasite 1
4:42 pm-
Hey!! :(

Umbrella girl
4:43 pm-
I'm kidding! What's up?

Parasite 1
4:43 pm-
Woah,  y/n being nice?
This is new

Umbrella girl
4:44 pm-
Shut up before I murder you
But answer my question bro ):

Parasite 1
4:44 pm-
I'm good, especially since my umbrella girl is being nice today
What about you?

Umbrella girl
4:45 pm-
I hate you
I arrived at the training camp for Karasuno's volleyball team

Parasite 1
4:45 pm-
You're the manager for Karasuno?!

Umbrella girl
4:45 pm-
Yeah lmao
It's actually kinda fun, I started not too long ago

Parasite 1
4:46 pm-
That means when we play I get to see you!! Aren't you excited?

Umbrella girl
4:46 pm-
Oh hell no
I'm running away

Parasite 1
4:46 pm-

Umbrella girl
4:47 pm-
Low key I am excited

Parasite 1
4:47 pm-
I love you 💕

Umbrella girl
4:48 pm-
I'm not responding

I closed my phone and got up and went to see the team practicing. As soon as I get there, I notice we've lost all of the games so far. "... Kiyoko?" I whispered to her. "is something wrong?" I asked quietly, not wanting the team to hear. "I think they're in the middle of learning." She answered. "oohh.." I said understandingly.

Soon enough Karasuno lost all of their games today, and it was time for lunch. Everyone sat around at a table and dug in. I ate slowly, in front of Hinata who was shoving his rice in his mouth. "Hinata, eat slower," I told him cleaning his cheek. His face heated up a little bit but he nodded. "Thank you!" I nodded with a smile.

Bokuto and Kuroo saw this interaction beside me and started throwing food at their faces much faster than Hinata. I freaked out and punched both of them. "You're gonna choke!!" I yelled. Bokuto turned to me and smiled brightly. "If it gets a really pretty girl to clean my cheek then i'm gonna do it!" Kuroo nodded with him and cheered him on a little.

Lunch ended and then everyone went to individual practice. I followed Bokuto and Kuroo to watch them practice since everyone went in different directions. "So, Y/n?" I hummed to show I was listening to Kuroo. "Yes, Tetsu?" He did a girly laugh and then continued. "Do you like anyone?" I shook my head.
"No, of course not." and I stuck out my tongue. "Boys are gross!" Bokuto overhead. "Do you like girls!" I shook my head again along with smacking him and yelled "that's not what I meant!"

We got to the gym and they started practicing blocking and receiving. I ran around catch balls, and then put them back for them to use again. "Hey Y/n, do you mind if you practice with me?" Lev asked when he showed up. "Of course! You're like a little brother to me." I told him going on my tiptoes to pet him, but I still couldn't reach. He noticed and bent down smiling. I smiled back.

"Y/nnnn, don't tell me you have a crush on the Russian beanstalk." I heard from behind me. My face heated up and then I thought of Oikawa. Why? "N-No! He's like my little brother." I yelled back. Why did I think of Oikawa when he said that? "Who are you thinking about then~" Kuroo purred from the court. "Shut up and practice you mangy cat!" He acted like he just got shot and he gripped his heart dramatically.

But honestly... I don't even know a lot about Oikawa. I need to get to know him before I even think of liking him that way.

𝒕. 𝒐𝒊𝗸𝗮.𝒘𝒂 ・umbrella girlWhere stories live. Discover now