Unexpected meet

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yes i'm gonna use a few more of these of him becus he is oikawa's actor (an bc i love him)

yes i'm gonna use a few more of these of him becus he is oikawa's actor (an bc i love him)

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👽. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ CHAPTER TWELVE ࿐ྂ
Unexpected meet

I was meeting up with mom, as I left my chaotic siblings at home

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I was meeting up with mom, as I left my chaotic siblings at home. For an update, Karasuno went to nationals. But they lost to the Seagull's team. They made it very far, and I was really proud of them. Right now though, I was currently running to the airport with four children behind me. We just got out of a taxi, me shoving money in the driver's hands and jumping out.

"Y/n!" Sumāto yelled at me grabbing my wrist. "What?!" I turned around and yelled, visibly stressed. "Chill out, mom's plane just landed. They still need to get luggage and that stuff."
I huffed, extremely nervous. Mom's back from her trip, and she probably brought a lot of souvenirs and clothes for me to try.

Mom's clothing fashion was strange, yet it still looked good. She was obsessed with models, and she had this huge desire to make me look like a model. Unfortunately, I sit at home watching shows and sleeping so I doubt I looked anything like a model, let alone a random pretty girl.

After a few minutes of waiting by the shuttle, we heard her familiar and never changing squeals.
"YOU GUYS!!!" She screamed as she ran at us with a bunch of bags and luggage. Most of the younger siblings laughed while I and Sumāto looked at each other nervously. She probably brought him clothes too.

"Y/n! Sumāto!" She screamed even though we were right in front of us.
"I brought you so many clothes!! You have to try them all, they're amazing," She went on and on, even on the car ride home. This side no one in our family could stand, except dad.

When we got home, we ran in trying to escape her grasp. Dad nearly spits out his drink when he saw the commotion. Mom has caught me and Sumāto, as the younger ones actually had the energy to run. She slammed open her bags and pulled out many clothes and piled them up on a table.

She told us to sit down by the kitchen counter and watch how she planned out outfits for us to try. Mom paired colorful shirts with colorful pants, and she paired softer clothes with plain shorts. Her choosing was never surprising since she loved all styles.

Sumāto's clothes looked super edgy since there were chains here and there and mostly black. Mine had all sorts since I didn't pay much mind to what I wore. "Edgelord," I teased, which he hit my shoulder.

She pushed us to our rooms with the clothes telling us the order to dress up in. The first clothes were super tight and most colorful. The shoulders were exposed, and the light sleeves tightened at the end. The pants were normal tight pants with multiple pockets and the sides of my knees and at the usual spot, at my thighs.

I walked out of my room, waiting for her response. She gasped rather loudly, making my dad turn around on the couch and choke on his drink once again. "These point out your curves!" She squealed. Sumāto came out shortly after, looking as edgy as ever. Mom had her fangirl moment again.

The next pair was actually kind of comfortable. It was a big grey sweatpants with a long sleeve green shirt. Mom handed me a fanny pack before I had to place over, and a blue and white bucket hat. I left my room, feeling better in this one than the last.
"That looks really cute, you should go see your future boyfriend with that," She added the boyfriend part which brought a blush to my face.

Sumāto said he was locking himself in his room, too tired to get dressed up again.

I continued changing clothes and decided on one to go to the mall today. My outfit consisted of a cute t-shirt mom said was adorable, a checkered skirt that mom also said would look amazing on me. And finally my favorite cardigan, that mom brought back from a while ago.

I left for the mall since I wanted to go shopping for additional things. Mostly figurines of characters from the shows I watch. There was also a movie theater in the mall, and there was a new movie coming out. I already preordered a ticket online, so I just had to go to the person at the counter and let them scan my phone.

I arrived and immediately dashed for the anime store. Before going into the store, I stopped running and calmly walked in. But I had to hold in my excitement to see a new exclusive alien figurine. As I placed my hand on it, I felt another on mine. Looking up I glared at whoever dared to take my figurine. But my glare softened when I realized it was my favorite volleyball dork.

"We have to stop meeting like this, " I managed to say before laughing. Since this was Oikawa, I decided to be nice. So I took my hands off the figurine and ran out of the store. "Damn it, and I really wanted to that and to check out everything else."

Today was the only day I didn't wanna see Oikawa. Strange, yes I know, but I was too nervous. I didn't want him to know I was going to watch an alien movie. It was embarrassing, and one of the reasons I wanted to see it in the first place was because of an anime I was watching about the stars and aliens.

Unfortunately for me, Oikawa and I kept running into each other at the mall. First, it was the store with the figurines. Next, it was the clothing store. After that, he and I ran into each other again at the luggage store. I can't even buy a bag for mom without him being here!!

I shoved the money in the cashier's hands and speed-walked out the door. The movie was going to start soon, and I need a disguise. Running into the bathroom, I ran into a stall and looked in my bag my mom packed for me. Convenient enough, she had a wig stored in there with a note.

"You can never be certain you must hide, sooooo here you go~"

At least she understood the kind of situations I would be in.

I slipped the wig on and put on a pair of glasses. And finally the final touch, a hat. I looked in the mirror, and honestly, I looked kinda cute. But I couldn't say anymore cause that wasn't his I actually looked. I stuffed things from other bags into other bags I had so if he saw me he wouldn't recognize me.

I walked out of the store, and finally, it hit me. I needed to change my outfit! Shaking my head, I booked it for the theater. Whatever, it's too late now.
I opened the doors for the theater the movie was playing in and found my seat. My shoulders tensed when I saw a certain chocolate haired boy come in and sit down somewhere in the row in front of me.

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