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a/n: appreciation hour for Asuma Kousuke aka Oikawa's stage actor 🥺

a/n: appreciation hour for Asuma Kousuke aka Oikawa's stage actor 🥺HES A CUTIE NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY MIND

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👽. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ CHAPTER ELEVEN ࿐ྂ

On Monday, I tried my best to hide the excitement to watch his game

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On Monday, I tried my best to hide the excitement to watch his game. Everyone on the team was eyeing me curiously, so when Hinata came up to me and asked why I was so excited everyone was eavesdropping.

"Oh... See, I'm just super excited about our game today!" I excitedly told him, which was partly true. He nodded back at me with the same amount of excitement, if anything more. We got on the bus, and it didn't take long to arrive at the stadiums for the finals. I was gonna see Oikawa again here, and I was slightly nervous.

I had goosebumps when I thought about how we would meet. We would either run into each other in the halls or meet each other on opposite sides of the court. I was hoping for the first one.

Before I even knew it, our warm-ups ended, and soon was the game. I didn't know what to think. What to feel, fear? Or nervous? To be honest, I felt both, but I got extremely afraid to see who lost. My excitement went down into a well as my fear rose higher than the roof. I knew for a fact, that whoever lost would be devasted.

This wasn't going to end well.

The game started and the points we're making me anxious. Right now Aobajohsai was in the lead and already built up momentum. Karasuno looked frustrated a little bit, but I know they can do it. Oikawa looked so serious... It frightened me that he would overwork himself. Halfway through the set, we took a break.

Coach talked to everyone, and everyone drank like half of their bottles. I glanced over to Oikawa, and he was sitting with his eyes closed. I tried my best to stifle a laugh because he looked like a dork. But I held it in because he was probably deep in thought or maintaining focus.

Everyone got back on the court, and I ran out back to fill up the bottles. While going back I got stuck in though. If only Kuroo and Bokuto were here to help. They were the ones usually being supportive and telling me what I could do. But right now, I'm the little crow who's about to fly away from the nest, if that makes sense.

I fill them all up and ran back, and as I entered the gym I almost dropped everything. Looks like I took a long time because Aobajohsai was about to take the first set. I didn't wanna watch, out of fear. Karasuno looked troubled. I looked over at Coach and Kiyoko and Yachi for some kind of guidance, only to find them almost as equally lost.

Damn it.

As I thought, they took the first set. My heart broke, not because of how they looked but because I knew they were trying their best to look like they were ok. Looking up from my lap, I glance over Aobajohsai. They looked confident, and I'm sure they were.

Karasuno took the second set, which I was glad about. I would've preferred if it were the first though. The fact both teams looked frustrated now concerned me. It proved my fears too. One of these teams, in the end, was going to be in tears and a loss.

My ears perked up every time I heard the ball smash into the ground because every time it looked like either team was going to make a point I looked away. I cared for both of these teams, I know Karasuno's more but I know both are working hard to surpass their levels.

Before I knew it, the third set was going to end soon. Please please be ok after this. My prayers didn't do much since it was an already known fact there weren't. My eyes widened when I heard Karasuno do a dump at match point, and I couldn't afford to look up. But I had to because my team just won. Just keep your eyes away from him.

They were all hugging and in tears of happiness, and I felt a spark of joy inside me too. But as always my eyes wandered to the opposite team. They looked broken, once in a while stealing glances at us. With all the power I had, I tackled Karasuno in a hug and cried softly happily.
"Thank you for the memories, " I mumbled out. I felt eyes on me. "Thank you for how far we've got!" I screamed out, knowing a certain captain heard me.

My team cheered. I felt his eyes burning holes into my skin, so I looked away from my team and smiled at Aobajohsai's team. I mouthed the words Good job to them with the brightest smile I could manage in between my tears.

We left the stadium and walked towards our bus. I made up an excuse and ran back, knowing I had to find Oikawa. I quickly found him, and grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. "Y/n?!" He yelled out, his voice cracking. The hug didn't last long, because I pulled away before he could hug back.

"I wanted to say I'm proud of you." He looked down at the ground, his feet shuffling. "We didn't even win though..." I smiled and grabbed his wrists. "So what? That means you have room for improvement." I looked down and continued. "This journey of yours isn't even close to stopping. Someday in the future, you'll surpass all of us. Have faith, because you still have a long way to go." I looked up and saw his tears streaming down his face.

I pulled my hand up to wipe them away, but I was engulfed in a hug. He stayed quiet, deep in thought. "...you're amazing you know that?" He let out a small soft laugh.

"I know." He paused before hugging me tighter. "You are too."

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