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The end

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The end.


He sat down in his seat, already looking out the window

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He sat down in his seat, already looking out the window. The clouds looked so soft, yet if he ran his hand through them it would then to thin air.

Oh, yea! The note.

Oikawa dug into his pocket, pulling out the roughly folded paper, and opened it up.

Dear Toru,
I really hope you're reading this! And you haven't lost it yet, which if you did then I'm gonna cry. Anyway, I had some important stuff that I haven't told you and wasn't confident enough to tell you in person, so I'd let you figure it out on the plane! So...
I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you.
But you already said you had a crush on someone, so I'm sorry if this ruins your friendship. I just wanted to say that! Have a nice trip, I love you.

- y/n l/n

You were such a mystery to him. Who were you to him? He didn't know, but he knew he got nervous around you, yet he tried to keep his cool. He loved hearing you laugh and your voice in general. He preferred that big and bright smile on your face rather than a sad one.

His eyes widened at the note and put it back into his pocket. Oikawa decided to call you after the long plane ride, to say he loved you back.

Meanwhile, In Japan.

"Y/n! That was amazing!" my teacher screamed and cheered, hearing me sing for the first time. My face flushed and laughed nervously and excitedly.

Everyone else was in other rooms, their singing was also beautiful.
"Y/n, you said you were planning on being in a band with Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi, and Kenma?" The teacher asked, talking down notes. I nodded and looked down.

She smiled and put her hands together. "All of your voices are gonna fit perfectly together, it's gonna be amazing!" She squealed, finally excited to see a group with so much potential.

I walked out of the room, finishing all my classes for the day. Kuroo and Akaashi came out second. "That was fun!" Kuroo said and sat down beside me waiting for everyone else. "I heard your singing through the wall, you were very loud, " I stifled a laugh as Kuroo looked at Akaashi with wide eyes. "It sounded good though."

"Kuroo you better not be hitting on my aghssaashi!" Bokuto complained. Kuroo waved him away, as he sat beside Akaashi. Kenma came out with a flushed face. "She said I sounded like an angel..." He mumbled, sitting next to Kuroo.
"I mean technically you are..." Kuroo mumbled, but it didn't go unheard by me, Akaashi, and Bokuto.

Bokuto and I teased him, making Kuroo's face flush. Kenma didn't hear, so he listened trying to figure out what we talked about.

The teachers around the corner heard us talking. "They'll be a perfect group." They giggled and went back to their classes.

Next morning.

I woke up at around 5 am, at the sound of my phone ringing. Unfortunately for me, everyone stayed the night at my house since my siblings were all out for the end of the year sleepovers and my parents were out on a trip again.

"Hello?" I groggily said. "Hi y/n!" Oikawa's bubbly voice on the other line frightened me. "Why are you calling so early?" I yawned. "Because I read your note!" Choking on air, I stooped talking and had a coughing fit. "What do you think?" I asked in between my coughs.

I got up and went to the kitchen to drink water. "I'm in love you with you too." Never did I think he would say that, but surprises for me at this point were very common. "That'd a relief, " I sighed happily, taking a sip of water.

"How was the plane ride?"
"Boring, I took a nap."

He and I talked for a while more until the sun rose in Japan. "I should be getting ready for classes today, I'll see you-" "Y/N HELP BOKUTOS BITING ME" I heard from upstairs. "oh, sorry, Toru. I'll call you back later-" cut off again.

"SHUT THE HELL UP STOP SCREAMING!" I pulled my phone away from my ear. "I'll call you later! Love you Toru." Hanging up without another word I went to the boys and began to fight them.

Oikawa on the other hand covered his eyes with a stupid smile in his favor and a blush. "Y/n... God, I hate you, why did I fall for you, " He cursed. He grabs his bags and then leaves the airport.

"I'll see you around, Love."



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