Small camp

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👽. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋCHAPTER SIXTEEN ࿐ྂ
Small camp

The walk to who knows where was silent, and I was partially glad that it was

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The walk to who knows where was silent, and I was partially glad that it was. I looked up from the road and saw we were in front of the same forest as before. So I decide to speak up.

"We're going to that spot right?" He nodded not looking up from the ground. I looked forward and gripped his hand again, walking to that spot. "How do you know how to go there?"
I hummed. "I go there in my spare time, usually really late though," I said proudly but he said something that took it away. "Isn't that dangerous?"

So I respond with something funny to try to lighten the mood. "Yea but with my body, people mistake me for Shrek. So no one messes with me." He let out a laugh that brought a blush and a tender smile to my face. Why do you date people who are so mean?

Then I thought about anime. After that, I couldn't really blame him.

"Hey, Y/n?" He chuckled. "You're staring, " I snapped out of my trance and felt blood rush to my face. "Whoops! Back to the swamp, I say." "It's not a swamp!"
He intertwined his hand with mine again, and I wished so hard that he didn't have feelings for anyone else, except for me. It was selfish, but you do those types of things when you're in love.

I don't even know him that well, so that's what I'm gonna do tonight. I popped the question. "Wanna camp here tonight?" His eyes widened. "We can invite Iwaizumi, your teammates, you know? I wanna get to know them." He nodded, excited. We choose to run home and get things. I was going to bring blankets and snacks. He was gonna invite everyone too.

"Oh yea, by the way," I started, stopping myself from running home. "We're chill now right?" I asked. He nodded grinning.

I stole everyone's blankets. Once I stuffed everything inside, I ran for my life knowing all of my siblings were going to run after me. Which they did, and unfortunately for me, they decided to join the camping trip. Gōjasu looked so excited to see Oikawa, Sumāto looked happy to see Iwaizumi, and Yakutatazu looked bored. Azayakasa was terrified.

We got there, and everyone was already setting tents up. Makki chose to share one with Mattsun, Kindaichi with Kunimi, Sumāto with Gōjasu, Yakutatazu with Azayakasa, and Iwaizumi wanted to sleep along, and Oikawa begged me to share one with him, so I allowed it.

"Oikawa-san, can we share? Sumāto can get along with you, " She tried to convince him to share with her.
"Um, I'm sharing with Y/n." He said, confused. Sumāto later came and told Gōjasu Iwaizumi wanted to share suddenly, so she was alone. She was furious, and I stifled my laughter.

All night we played games, talked with each other and teased. We played truth or dare, Iwaizumi had to be shirtless for the rest of the game, so was Oikawa (Gōjasu's dares). Makki dared Mattsun to recreate the siren head, which was hilarious.

Soon came the time to sleep, but knowing the crackheads of this group were gonna be up all night in their tents. That included me and Oikawa.

"Oikawa, what were your hobbies as a kid? Besides volleyball." I asked, playing with my hair. "I say around waiting to get abducted by aliens, still do sometimes, " He said with a small smile. I snorted, and then finally laughed.

"I, well, would fight people with forks during recess." I shamefully admitted and chuckled at myself. Oikawa started wheezing, leaving me confused. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"I just imagined that but present you." He answered in-between laughing fits, making me laugh as hard.

"Have you ever been in love?" He asked after calming down his laughs. The question shocked me but I decided to tell him. "Yep, still am." I laughed nervously. He gasped and sat up. "Who?!" He nearly yelled, earning Iwaizumi yelled at him from the other tent.

"Not telling, " I stuck out my tongue and he pouted. "Y/nnnnnnn, you can tell me, " I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. "I'll let you guess." He immediately started. "Kageyama." I shook my head.

"Iwa-chan, "
I shook my head again.

"hm, Sumāto?"
"He's my brother you dingus!"

"How about Chibi-chan?"
"Who the hells that?!"
"Hinata! The small tangerine boy in Karasuno!"
I chuckled and shook my head.

"Do you have friends in schools like Fukurodani and Nekoma?" I nodded. "I'm friends with the captains,

He pouted and then whined. "Give me hints!" I got more nervous by the second. "A volleyball player, a captain, a power school, and a dork, " I finished shutting my eyes closed and my face flushing. "Y/n...." Here it comes.

"You like the bed hair man?!" He screamed, and I started hearing the 'ooooh's from the other tents. "No, I don't!" I screamed back. "So the owl boy?!" I screamed no again. This guy really can't get a hint! "I give up!" He groaned tiredly. "Don't you have a crush?"

He nodded with a smile. "She's the cutest, " Pain pang at my heart, but I smiled anyway. Pain never lasts forever, anyway.

I told Oikawa I was gonna sleep, and I shut off the light in the tent. He stayed up on his phone, typing like crazy. Soon I fell asleep to the sounds of his fingers tapping away on his phone.

I woke up to a flash in front of me. But I decided to ignore it and cover my face with a pillow. I heard a few aww's, so I quickly opened my eyes. I had a staring contest with Oikawa, who was taking pictures of me sleeping. Getting up and running after him, around the tents. At some point, his dumbass tripped on air and I caught his phone.

I cheered and deleted the photos but the cold wind hit me. To my surprise, Iwaizumi picked me up and threw me over his shoulders, walking back to my tent. I looked helpless, so I started kicking and flailing my arms around for help. "Stop kicking me you dick!" He said angrily. "Put my down then!" Iwaizumi threw me at Oikawa who had just gotten up off the floor.

I hit him and he went back down, and I had a soft landing on top of him. "Thanks for the cushion, Shittykawa," I said standing up off his back, which he cried help to stand up.

Kindaichi came around and helped him up, and I couldn't help but admire how fun being around Oikawa was.

How I wish I was the one you had feelings for, dude.

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