Cursed or blessed?

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☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ CHAPTER FIVE ࿐ྂ
Cursed or blessed?

Soon Iwa-chan got out the bathroom with new clothes on, and Yakutatazu ran up the stairs into the bathroom

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Soon Iwa-chan got out the bathroom with new clothes on, and Yakutatazu ran up the stairs into the bathroom. Iwaizumi sat down by Oikawa. "Hey once the clothes are done drying, I'm gonna start heading home. It's getting late." I nodded, Oikawa agreeing. Quickly I and Oikawa start poking fun at each other, Iwaizumi joining in after I insulted his hair again.

Yakutatazu gets out of the bathroom and throws a towel at Oikawa, who runs up the stairs and into the bathroom. That leaves me with Iwaizumi. "Oi y/n, what do you think of Oikawa?" He grinned. I smiled bashfully. "I think he's sweet, he's also dorky and dumb but it's funny." I lay back on the couch glancing at the tv. "But I heard that he has many fangirls. I'm not sure what to do if they start coming after me for being his friend." I laugh.

"I swear if any of them bothers you too much-" His hands turn into fists. "I'm gonna kick Oikawa's ass" I smile at this, reassuring him I would do it first. Then comes a knock on the door. "Hold on, I'll be right back." I stand up and run towards the door. "Hello?- Oh, dad!" I look at him.

"Where have you been?" I ask him and he kicks his shoes off. He yawned. "I stayed over a friend's, your mom's been pulling my ears telling me to stay over a friend's, said she wasn't feeling well." As soon as he saw Iwaizumi his face cheered up. "Iwa! Where have you been?" He bonked him on the head.

"School, sir." Iwaizumi smiles at him while shaking his hand. "Well, Y/n. I'll be staying here for a while before your mom comes back. So she doesn't kill me." He laughs and runs towards his room. I sigh while a smile. "Mom's always on a business trip, I never get to see her." I slump beside iwaizumi.

"Hey... Iwa-chan..." we hear behind us. We turn towards the stairs and see an Oikawa with wet hair and a towel around his waist. "I didn't get clothes..." The color drains from my face, as I admire Oikawa's ripped body. My eyes trail down to his V line. I feel my soul leaving my body, so I fall off the couch and onto the floor. I crawl into a ball holding my knees.

Iwaizumi runs up the stairs and into Sumāto's room asking for clothes.
Why did I see that? Am I blessed or cursed? What does this mean? I'm so scared... Sumāto comes downstairs and bursts into tears and laughter to see me in my state. Azayakasa comes out to see the problem but gives me a blank face once she sees me, and goes back into her room disappointed.

"Bye y/n..." Oikawa mumbles embarrassed I saw him like that. "It's ok..." I mumble back. Iwaizumi hits him and me on the head and they leave to go home. "Does y/n have a crush?" Yakutatazu teases me. "Of course not! Besides, Oikawa wouldn't like someone like me."


This part of this chapter sorta turns into a filler chapter. Nothing too important happens but if you wanna finish it go ahead. 👁👄👁

"Hey, I'm walking with you to school today. Since you finally woke up at the right time." Sumāto says to me while brushing his teeth in the bathroom. I groan.

"What do you think of Oikawa?" I ask Sumāto while walking down the street. "He's cool, he's also really popular. I have no idea how you managed to become his friend." He said while looking at his phone before putting it away. "Me either." I sighed with a smile.

Sumāto and I go to different high schools, so once I went to his school I started running towards Karasuno. "I hope I make it in time," I mumble. "Hey!" I hear behind me. I turn around and see Suga. "Oh, what's up?" He stops running in front of me. "I forgot to tell you! You have to pass your classes to get the training camp."

"Ah i'm sorry, my grades are good but I'm home alone with all of my siblings. I have to stay back and take care of them-" I pause and my eyes widen. Dad's home, that means he can take care of them! I can still go!! I stop and rub my hands together happily. "Nevermind! dad's home, I'm not alone..." I grin evilly.

I feel bad for leaving him with the demons, but I need this chance. He probably takes care of them better than me anyway. I laugh at the thought, Suga looking at me concerned. We run into the school and switch our shoes and then run upstairs. We slam the homeroom door open and walk-in.

The day passes by normal, Tsukishima coming by and teasing me, Hinata and Kageyama running to people to help them on their exams and me getting good grades, regardless of all my naps in class.
The day passes by quickly and I'm already at practice. "yawn." I said. "Did you just say yawn?" Ukai asked weirded out. "Yes, I yawned right?" I answered not taking my eyes off of the guys practicing. "Right..."

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