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I tried not to pay much mind until a girl came in and sat in his seat with him

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I tried not to pay much mind until a girl came in and sat in his seat with him. Part of me was still deciding whether or not I had fallen for this guy, so my heart hurt for a minute. After thirty minutes, I could see them kiss on the cheek and cuddle in their seat.

When he finally pulled her into a passionate kiss, I finally realized that my theory was right: I did have feelings for this guy.

It hurt that he was already in love with another, and millions of questions came into my head. Is this the same girl that was at his house that morning? How come he never told me he had a girlfriend? Where was she while he was shopping earlier? Why did I even consider that I had a chance?

The last one was a bit of a statement. I was upset, but I covered my face with a fake smile and picked up my bags, and left the theater. So much for a peaceful shopping and movie day.

I ran home deep in thought. Just give up on him, and continue being his friend. That thought didn't seem so bad, besides the part where he didn't return my feelings and was already in love with someone else. Besides, if that was another girl than the first one the other morning, that makes him a player. I don't fuck with those.

Deciding I would leave behind my feelings and continue being a badass, I opened my door and dropped the bags that were for the family, and then went to my room. I put everything away and then fell into bed.

The next morning I woke up not wanting to go to school. But I had to, so I slipped on my uniform and did the usual routines. Today was going to be different. I wasn't going to let anything stop me, and I felt overly confident. I went outside and started walking down the street, only for Sumāto to run out behind me.

"Hey! Wanna walk to school together? I'm bored, " I laughed at him. "Sure, but we've really have been running into each other a lot haven't we?" After I said that, I was reminded of the events yesterday and felt pain pang at my heart. But I ignored it, as always. This pain won't last forever.

He and I talked a bunch, realizing we had more in common than we thought. When I heard the faint sounds if a school bus doing the other street, I decided to pop Sumāto a question. "Hey so, let's say you have a crush." I started and he rose his eyebrow snickering at me. "I'm being serious." My harsh tone showing I wasn't playing.

He almost immediately took me seriously after. "And they didn't return your feelings and they didn't have to tell you, because you saw them demonstrating their love for someone else, " My voice cracked at the end, but I looked over it. Sumāto unfortunately didn't.

Oikawa's bus turned the corner, and he was ready to pester me through the window.

"I'd find a way to get over it--" Before he could continue I busted out in years. "I can't do that!" I screamed out, tears welling up in my eyes again. "I'm so pathetic... Letting something like this get to me." I mumbled for him to hear.

Oikawa's smile soon faded and he saw my back turned to him, tears simmering down my cheeks.

"I know... I'm sorry, " my brother mumbled to me quietly. "But we know pain isn't forever." He said louder and my eyes widened. How could I forget our family's line when I thought of it not too long ago?

"You'll be ok, love is expected to hurt. So just be careful, and take care of yourself and you'll make it through with a happy ending."

Oikawa's bus drove past us and Sumāto engulfed me in a hug. He didn't show this side very often, and I appreciated it so much. Oikawa looked very worried and he got quiet, Iwaizumi also seeing what happened.
So he chooses to send me a text later.

I drop off Sumāto at his high school and made my way to mine. The volleyball team saw me and waved to me with bright smiles and I returned it with a small wave and walked past them into Karasuno. Sumāto's words were engraved into my head, and it brought me back when Mom first taught me the words.

"Y/n, " Mom strictly said before having to leave for another trip. I was crying into her shoulder, while young Sumāto held her hand with curious eyes. "Remember what I'm about to say."

"Pain never lasts forever."

The seriousness in her voice still rushes down shivers down my spine. I nodded into her shoulder and wiped my tears away, and waved at her and she went into the line for her plane.

Now looking back on it, I knew she was right. Sumāto was right. But what
Lev said still lingers in my thoughts.

"You smile a lot when you talk to him you know that?"

I didn't wanna think about it, I thought to bite my lip down very hard that I almost drew blood. After lunch started, I got a text from Iwaizumi.

Parasite 2
12:34 pm-
Hey, what's wrong?

12:35 pm-
What do you mean?

Parasite 2
12:35 pm-
This morning you were crying to Sumāto about something

12:36 pm-
Oh that
I'm fine, really 

Parasite 1
12:36 pm-
You're a bad lier

12:36 pm-
But I am
Don't worry
Now continue your lunch if you got any, or else I'm coming to steal it

Parasite 2
12:37 pm-
But let me know if anything bothering you ok?
You're surprisingly important to me

12:38 pm-
That's really sweet of you but I'm sure I'm ok
Cya Iwaizumi

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