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👽 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE ࿐ྂ

"Kōshi, how do I tell Oikawa and Iwaizumi? And Bokuto, Kuroo, and Akaashi?" Suga started thinking, scrunching up his nose which I thought was adorable

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"Kōshi, how do I tell Oikawa and Iwaizumi? And Bokuto, Kuroo, and Akaashi?" Suga started thinking, scrunching up his nose which I thought was adorable. "I think you should tell Oikawa and Iwaizumi first and get it over with, and you should tell them really soon." He pulled out his phone and showed me the date.

Two more days till graduation.

"Damn it." I cursed under me breathe, nervous as hell. How would I do this in two days? Finally, my pea-sized brain figured it out and would tell them today and then Kuroo and Bokuto and Akaashi the next day.

I prepped up in the mirror, almost bursting into tears every time I practiced.

"I'll be fine, let's do this." I tried to convince myself, and finally called Iwaizumi. "Iwaaaa, " I cried. "What happened now." He said jokingly.
"I'm coming over, send me your address." I laughed painfully and hung up.

I changed into better clothes and ran down the street in the direction of his house. The clouds were grayer than usual, maybe there was a storm coming? I laughed at myself for no reason and finally decided I was going insane.

Before I could even touch the door, Iwaizumi opened it and brought me inside. "Wow, you've got a nice place," I mumbled for him to hear, and he mumbled thanks. "What did you need." He asked, cutting vegetables in the kitchen. I took a deep breath, in hopes the nerves would go away.

"I'm going to a singing college right?" I said aloud, and he almost dropped the knife. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to stay friends because Mom's trying to make me famous," I admitted, fiddling with my fingers.
"Of course we're staying friends, what the hell told you we wouldn't?" "Growing up," I answered his question, which he respectfully nodded to.

"And I don't know how to tell Oikawa." He almost groaned at the mentioning of his setter's name. "You know he's got something important to tell you too, " Iwaizumi said, pushing the vegetables into a bowl to be washed again. I hummed, deep in thought. "You should go tell him now actually."

I suddenly got very nervous, and it was visible. "It's like you got a crush on him." He joked, but after I didn't retort he said Woah. "You've got a crush?" Iwaizumi said surprised.
"On the trash king?" I laughed at his joke and chose to play along.
"I know right?! My heart should've chosen something else," I sighed happily.

He and I talked for a while more before I decided to call Oikawa. I left him on speaker in the kitchen, so if he said something snarky Iwaizumi could threaten him.

"Hii Y/n."

His bubbly voice always made me happy, I smiled at my phone.

"Can you go to the Park in ten minutes?"

"Oooh, so a date?~" He laughed.

"Not on my watch, shittykawa."

Oikawa squealed, leaving me in a fit of laughter.

"I'll be there! Bye-" Iwaizumi hung up for me. "I can't handle his voice at the end of the year for that long." He said and acted out of breathing, earning a loud wheeze from me.

I thanked Iwaizumi and left his house, on my way to the park. The rain started, which was so cliche but I had to ignore it. Catching a cold wasn't a priority at the moment, it didn't matter anyway. But luckily I grabbed an umbrella before the rain could get any worse.

But, suddenly I got so nervous. Afraid to see the trash king? Why should I? Everything will be fine, I have to stop worrying.

Yea my brain did anything but calm down. Tears started to well up in my eyes, barely visible in the rain even though I had my umbrella. Coincidentally, it was the same umbrella when I first met Oikawa.

I started running in the rain for the last time, to the park. Trying my best not to slip down the streets, I tried to get there as fast as I can. Little did I know, this night would be both of our downfalls.

The rain hit my tears slightly, my feet hurt from the running and I stood there like an idiot in the rain. I spotted the trash king under a tree, trying to take cover from the rain. "Oikawa!" I screamed and walked to his spot. His eyes widened at this sight.

I cried and before I could reach I got weak in my knees and fell on the ground in tears pleading that we wouldn't change.

Is this how our friendship ends?

I tried to wipe them away, but they just kept coming. Crying sucked, it made me ugly and made my stomach feel empty. Oikawa got up and ran to me in the rain, and kneeled down in front of me.

"What's wrong?"

Those words hurt, knowing what was wrong was childish. But I refused to run from this.

"I'm going to singing college, "

It didn't sound so bad, but I was still afraid of losing the most important people to me.

"I don't wanna lose you."

I pushed away the sudden urge to hold him and kiss him. This wasn't the right time, he already has a crush on someone else, and that would definitely ruin our friendship.

I looked down quickly, refusing to look at him in the eyes. But he told me something that partially broke my heart and partially made me happy for him. "I'm going to Rio." My eyes widened and I started at the ground. "You are?" I whispered barely loud enough to hear through the rain.

But I smiled to myself, realizing we would be so far apart, and barely have time to talk to each other. I think at this point, I've accepted the fact that I have feelings for this guy. I needed to ask another important question to him.

"Will we stay in touch?"

He smiled softly at me in the rain, his hair damp. I realized he was quiet, so my hands gripped onto my joggers painfully, tears urging to start flowing down my cheeks again. "I'd love to, I'll try my best, alright?" He tried to reassure me. "I'll try to, " I laughed painfully.

"My... The plane leaves tomorrow night. Hopefully, I'll see you before I have to leave, " He stood up. "It was nice seeing you today Y/n," Oikawa said and pulled me into another hug.

"Can I... Call you Toru?" His face flushed at the sound of his name, and he nodded into my shoulder leaving me to laugh at his flustered expression.

He left to finish packing, and now it was time to tell my best friends.

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