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he genuinely looks so pretty here, like his eye lashes are so long it deadass freaks me out

he genuinely looks so pretty here, like his eye lashes are so long it deadass freaks me out

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"Please move..." I mumbled as Oikawa blocked the door.

Yup, i'm having a crisis. But let me tell you how this began.

School ended and I was still thinking about what I should do. But before I could, a specific setter came into view, and not Oikawa at that. My precious bro, Kageyama. His face looked a little more red than usual though.

"Y/n..." He mumbled loud enough for me to stick in my tracks. I took out my headphones and turned down my music a little bit. "Hey Kags, what's up?" He looked down and continued.

"Will you go out with me?"

The words rang in my ears. "Wait, like a date?" I asked to be sure I knew what he was talking about. He nodded still not looking up.

It was obvious he didn't know how to ask, and that made me smile. I didn't like Kageyama that way, but maybe I could feel that way after trying. I need to stop liking Oikawa anyway. I smiled softly at the sight in front of me though and softly said yes to his question.

He asked if I was free today, and I nodded at him and told him I had an idea where to go. Since I knew how much he liked milk, I was going to bring him to a Bakery where the sweets were basically more milk than anything else.

When we arrived, I intertwined my hand with his. I felt him tense up, so I hit his back with a laugh as a way to tell him to calm down. We sat down and I ordered sweets so did he. He conversed with me about everything. But everything started going downhill when Oikawa showed up with the girl at the theater.

She had everything I didn't. Curves, beautiful smiles, and luscious hair. I couldn't help by a glance at them as they sat down at a table. Kageyama noticed this and like the idiot he is, turned around and looked directly at them. "Kageyama!" He looked back at me confused. "Don't look at them, just focus on us alright?" He tried his best to make me happy again.

He grabbed my hand and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "By the way, Suga-senpai told me to do this stuff because I didn't know..." He whispered and his face flushed when he heard my laugh against his hand. "That's cute!" I almost yelled, catching the attention of the Chocolate eyed setter.

"But can I ask you something?" I said and grabbed both of his hands together. He nodded at me allowing me to ask. "Can I call you Tobio?" The question made his face even redder if that was possible. He had this unreadable expression on.
"O-Of course, " He finally said trying to calm down.

Our food came to us, and so did Oikawa and his girlfriend. Unfortunately for him, she caught him staring at us. So the next few minutes were the most embarrassing in my life.

She picked up her milkshake and told Oikawa she was going to get napkins. While passing by us, she dumped her milkshake on top of me. "Oops~ sorry ugly girl, stop trying to get my Toru's attention," She screeched out so-called 'laughter'. Kageyama looked at both of us surprised, and I couldn't even begin to explain Oikawa's face.

Kageyama stood up and was about to say something, but I stood up way faster and grabbed my plate and smashed my cake slice into her heavy makeup. It slid down a little bit and fell down into her shirt. Before she could retort I began my scolding.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?!"

All three of them were surprised at my outburst.

"I haven't done anything to you! And you decide to bitch me about something I don't even intend to do?! I couldn't give a flying fuck about your stupid little date or whoever catches his attention! Now leave me the fuck alone you low life asshole." I finished and cleaned up, grabbing Kageyama's hand and guiding him to the door of the store.

I turned to the people working in the store. "I'm sorry for everything, " and dropped a bunch of money on their counter. I went for the door but Oikawa came and ran in front of it. "Please move..." I mumbled as Oikawa blocked the door. "No," he bluntly said. Kageyama sighed behind me, and ran to a window and opened it signaling for me to quickly come.

I ran to him and jumped out the window with him. We rolled at the bottom and started running towards my house. I could hear Oikawa's girly scream and his girlfriend gasp at us jumping out a window in general. After a bit of running, I could hear the sounds of running footsteps behind us.

I and Kageyama look behind us to find Oikawa running after us, with his lousy girlfriend kicking off her heels to run after him. I grab Kageyama's hand and squeeze it in frustration. "Tobio, " I choked out, catching his full attention. "I know a shortcut, but we have to jump over a roof for it, " He nodded and blushed at the use of his name and the hand holding.

Once the house came into view, I prepare myself to climb it and then jump over through the back and finally cross a train track that'll block me and Kageyama from Oikawa. This sounds like I'm running away from a murderer, except it's Oikawa aka a baby in a high schooler's body. Then that made me think why he doing all of this to me.

I jumped over the fence, Kageyama doing the same. Oikawa looked slightly surprised at our moves but followed after us anyway. I pulled Kageyama and stood on the other fence, and hastily jumped onto the roof. The person who lived there went outside and yelled at all of us, and I couldn't help but laugh while quickly leaning onto Kageyama.

We jumped off the roof out back and ran for the train tracks. "Y-Y/n!" The worry he tried to cover up was audible in his voice. "We'll be ok Tobio!" We ran over the tracks, hearing a train come by. As I expected, Oikawa got stuck on the other side, his girlfriend screaming after him.

I took hold of Kageyama's hand again and ran for my house.

Now, I HAVE to tell Iwaizumi.

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