Chapter 2

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My hands were shaking so bad I could barely put the keys in the ignition. "Allie, are you sure you're ok?" Peter asked from the backseat.

"No, I'm not ok," I said. "I just found out that my dad might have been a completely different person than I thought he was."

"I'm so sorry to have disturbed you so much," Odin said from the seat beside me. "But you must believe me. The fate of the kingdom rests on your shoulders."

"And even if you aren't lying, why would I give a fuck about a kingdom my dad hadn't been to in years? He obviously didn't care much about it."

"Your father loved Asgard. He even died for it."

"Bullshit! How am I supposed to believe anything you say?"

"You must at least be curious. I am sitting in your car, after all."

I turned to face out the windshield. I felt a hand on my shoulder seconds later. "Allie," Peter said. "Let's just go home. At least if we find out he's a liar, Tony will be there to back us up, along with all the armor you have sitting around your house."

I finally started the car. "Yeah, let's do that." I glared at Odin from the corner of my eye. "But if I find out this has all been a ruse, I won't hesitate to blast you in the face."

Odin just smiled. "I think you'll find that level of violence unnecessary."

I backed out of the parking spot, pulled out of the driveway, and sped home faster than Flash drives around the neighborhood. When we got home, Tony and Pepper were out on the porch. Tony's eyes immediately fell on Odin. "Who the hell is that?!" Tony asked.

"Apparently it's Odin. Thor's dad," I said as I got out of the car.

"You must be Tony Stark," Odin said. "Thor has told me about you. He tells me you flew a missile into a portal to stop the Chitauri and my son, Loki. That was very brave of you. Also, I'm terribly sorry about Loki's actions. He's a little more disturbed than usual since he found out he was adopted."

Tony looked shocked. "Allie, a word."

I walked up to the porch. "I'm not entirely sure it's actually him."

"I know it is." I almost jumped back. "Look, the public knew about the Chitauri, obviously, but they were never told who was leading them. The fact that he knows it was Loki means that he knows more than the general public. As king of Asgard and Thor and Loki's dad, he would know all about Manhattan and Loki, especially that he's adopted. The adoption was something only the Avengers knew about, unless Fury told someone else, which seems highly unlikely."

"So you're telling him to trust this guy? Tony, you have no idea what nonsense this guy has been spouting."

"What was he saying?"

"He was telling me that my dad was his firstborn son, and that I have to go to Asgard and claim the throne. It's nonsense, Tony, complete and utter nonsense."

"Did you let him finish the story?"

"I wanted to bring him here first, in case I found out it was all bullshit."

Tony sighed. "Alright then." He looked over at Odin. "Come on in."

Odin followed Tony and Pepper into the house, but I stayed frozen on the porch until Peter came up to me. "It's gonna be ok," he said, putting his arm around my shoulders. "Everything is gonna be ok."

"I sure hope so." We both went into the house. Tony and Odin were sitting on the couch, and Pepper was in the kitchen brewing up some tea. "So, let's talk. First of all, if my dad was Asgardian royalty, why was he on Earth?"

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