Chapter 4

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I couldn't sleep that night; I had too much on my mind. I missed Earth, the bedroom I was staying in (which had previously been my grandmother Frigga's) felt too big, and I still had no idea what I was supposed to be doing as queen. I was way out of my comfort zone, and it seemed like the only person who could help me was Loki. I wanted Tony or Peter with me for support. I wanted this to feel more like home.

I tossed and turned for hours before I got out of bed and pulled on my Skechers. I left the room and has the guards outside my door take me down to the dungeons. When we got there, Loki was awake as well, just like I had assumed. "To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from the queen?" Loki asked.

"I couldn't sleep," I said as I sat on the floor in front of Loki's cell. "And I don't have many other people to talk to."

"I'm honored." He sat on the other side of the barrier on his cell. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Anything. Everything." I sighed. "I was content with my life. I had a good support system. An aunt and uncle that provided me anything I needed or wanted, two best friends that would do everything they could to make sure I was happy, and a wonderful boyfriend that loved me no matter what. Then Odin showed up."

"He has a habit of doing that. Tearing down everything you knew and thrusting something else on you."

"That's what he did when he told you that you were adopted, huh? And that's why you went from mischievous to murderous."

"I had found out that I was living a lie my whole life. And it had explained a lot, about why I was treated differently, about why it seemed like Frigga was the only one who ever seemed to care about me."

"You cared about her too, didn't you?"

Loki paused for a second. "She taught me everything I know. She taught me why I possessed the magic I possess and how to use it. She loved me no matter how many times I screwed up."

"Did you mourn her? After she died."

"Of course I did. She was the only one on this planet to refuse to see me as what I truly was."

"And what was that?"

"A monster."

"What did she see?"

"My potential to do good."

I smiled. "Yeah, I can see it too."

Loki laughed. "Of course you do." He paused. "I see a lot of her in you, you know. Including her magic."

"Yeah, right. You're just saying that to make me feel better. I'm not even biologically her granddaughter."

"That doesn't mean you can't possess her magic. Did she raise your father?"

"Yeah, that's what Odin said."

"Then your father probably possessed her magic and just didn't know how to use it. That means you would be the same way."

"How is that possible?"

"If you aren't related to them, but you're around a magical person enough, their magic starts to latch onto you. If your dad was raised by Frigga, her magic would've latched on and become part of him. Then, when he had you, you would have been born with that magic."

"Then how do I learn how to use them?"

"You get a good teacher."

I looked up at Loki. "You wanna teach me?"

He studied my face to see if I was serious, and when he realized that I was, he smiled. "Why not? It might be good for you to have some powers like mine if you're going to be queen."

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