Chapter 16

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Spidey lunged to catch Mantis as Thanos started swatting people left and right. He kicked Drax off his leg and into Quill and the pilot, knocking them all into a heap. He yanked on the bands Strange was holding his right hand with, sending him flying. Tony and I both lunged at him, but he swatted us away like flies. The Guardians got back up and lunged back at Thanos, but he fired an indigo energy pulse that knocked them down and out. Tony zoomed at Thanos with his arm cannon, but was head butted to the ground.

Enough was enough. I was getting nowhere with just my suit. I needed to start using my magic, no matter who saw me when I did. I formed a sword out of thin air (Loki had never taught me this, and I'm not sure he could even do it, but since I saw Hela do it, I figured I could try, and it worked) and attacked Thanos. He tried to grab me, but I slid under his arm and tried to slice him with the sword. However, Thanos dodged me, grabbed me, and threw me over to Tony, who I landed on top of.

I looked up in time to see Thanos raise his fist toward the moon. The Space and Power stones glowed, and the moon's surface broke and started hurling toward us at an alarming rate. As Tony tried to dodge the debris, he was hit by a moon chunk about the size of a baseball field. This slammed him into the ground, and the shockwave sent me, the Guardians, the pilot (who I had now concluded was with the Guardians), Peter, and Strange flying in different directions.

"Spidey, get them!" I yelled at Peter. "I'm going to go find Tony!"

"Got it!" Peter yelled, going after the Guardians.

I ran over to the last place I saw Tony and started sorting through the rubble as Strange went over to fight Thanos. "Tony!" I yelled as I dug. "Tony, where are you?! Answer me, damn it!!!"

I finally found Tony. He was stunned, but ok. "I'm fine," he said. At that time, I saw Strange go flying. "Go. I got Thanos."

I ran over to Strange, whose head had hit a rock and was now bleeding. "Uncle J," I said. "Uncle J, wake up."

Strange was passed out. It was then I realized that the eye that held the Time Stone had disappeared from around Strange's neck. Thanos had found out it was a fake. I was torn at that point. Did I go help Tony, or stay with Strange? As I turned back to see the battle, I got my answer. Tony had turned his glove into a small sword, but Thanos caught it and stabbed Tony with it. Thanos walked Tony back until he was sitting against a moon chunk.

That was the last straw. I formed another sword and lunged at Thanos, cutting a gash in his arm. He looked at the gash, then looked at me. "And who are you?" he asked.

"I'm your worst nightmare," I said. I pulled my hands up, and spikes came out of the Earth, surrounding Thanos. He easily got rid of them, but I made an illusion behind him and made a dagger to stab him with.

"Allie," Tony said. "Don't."


Thanos caught me as I went to stab him again. "So you're the Asgardian queen I heard about?" he said. "Figures. They were always cowards."


"Loki did what was best for him, not what was best for others."


Thanos wrapped his hand around my neck and held me in the air, choking me. "I held Loki like this. I killed him like this."

"You're a monster."

Thanos threw me to the ground next to Tony. "I'm a savior."

"You're trying to kill trillions."

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