Chapter 7

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I stood up from the lounging couch as Thor made his way through the crowd toward Loki and I. "And the Prodigal Son returns!" I said. "Welcome back."

"This has nothing to do with you, child," Thor said before looking Loki dead in the eyes. "Now where is Father?"

"Hey, I'm queen around here, rightful heir to the throne. So yeah, this has everything to do with me, and you will not disrespect me," I said, stepping between Thor and Loki.

Thor looked at me threateningly, and I smiled. "What is your name?" he asked.

"Allison Stark. I believe you know my uncle Tony."

Thor looked surprised. "Stark has a niece?"

"He does, and so do you." I held up my hand and showed Thor Draupnir. "Recognize this?"

He looked at the ring. "That's my father's ring. Only someone from his bloodline could wear that."

"Exactly. Odin had a son before you. My father, Andrew."

Thor's expression hardened. "That still doesn't tell me where my father is." He turned to Loki. "What did you do to him?"

I noticed that in the hand that wasn't gripping his hammer, Thor was holding a very familiar skull. "That's the Skull of Surtur," I muttered.

"I've been having terrible dreams of late, of Asgard up in flames," Thor said. "So I decided to go out and investigate, and what do I find, but the Nine Realms completely in chaos. Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise, all while you, our queen, the protector of those Nine Realms, is sitting here, throwing a party."

That was a low blow. "I'm sorry?! I've been trying my best to run Asgard! Loki let the Nine Realms be chaotic, but I wasn't going to. I've been having dreams too. Heimdall is gone, I had no idea what was happening, and as soon as I realized he wouldn't be returning, I planned to go to the Realms and assert myself. This party was the most off time I've had all week, so don't you dare accuse me of being a bad queen!!"

"You just couldn't stay away, could you?" Loki asked angrily. "Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering, Allie was an amazing queen. You've ruined everything."

Thor glared at Loki. "Where's father? Did you kill him?"

"You had what you wanted, you had the independence you asked for! You even had someone capable on the throne!"

Thor backed Loki onto the lounging couch and pressed his hammer to his chest. "Hey! That's enough!" I walked over and, without thinking, pulled Mjolnir from Thor's grasp, leaving him stunned. "I know around where Odin is, and I'm sure Loki knows the exact place! If we take you to him, will you calm the hell down?!"

Thor looked at me in shock as I held his hammer. "Yes, of course. Anyone who is worthy enough to wield Mjolnir is certainly trustworthy."

I finally realized the gravity of me holding Thor's hammer and smiled. "Good. Guards, lock that skull in the vault so it doesn't turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet. Loki, do me a favor and pack my suitcase while I change. It's time for me to go home."

A guard took the skull from Thor and headed to the vault. I handed Thor back his hammer and headed to my bedroom. Loki was right on my heels, and Thor was right behind him. "So, wait a second," Thor said. "I had an older brother who lived on Earth?"

"Yup, and he died five years ago. Then, about a week ago, Odin found me and told me to come take over the throne until you came home," I said as I pushed my bedroom door open. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to change."

"Why don't you use your magic?" Loki asked.

"Eh, I could, I just don't feel like it. I'm going back to Earth, I wanna start acting Earthly," I said, grabbing my Hufflepuff crop sweater, my black high waisted jeans, and my Vans out of my suitcase.

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