Chapter 9

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I pulled into the driveway at around 12:45, grabbed my mini backpack and suitcase, and limped into the house, not even bothering to knock. "I'm home!" I yelled.

Tony came rushing in from the kitchen. "Allie! You're back!"

He came over and hugged me. "Yup, I'm back."

"So, Thor's back? You're good to go?"

"That's complicated."

I limped over and sat on the couch. "What do you mean complicated? Why are you limping?"

I told Tony all about Odin, Hela, and Strange. I also told him more about the powers I got from my dad, but left out everything I learned from Loki.  That wasn't just because of the Accords either; I had a feeling Tony would get upset at me for trusting Loki after everything he went through because of him. "And yeah, that's why I'm limping."

"Well, at least it'll heal by tomorrow. But I agree with the doc, you aren't going to the field trip tomorrow. Have Peter cover for you."

"I will. Anyway, I'm gonna go take a shower before lunch. I could really use one."


I grabbed my suitcase and backpack and took the elevator up to my floor. I dumped my stuff on my bed, got my shower stuff, stripped off my armor and bloodied bandage, started the shower, and stepped under the warm water. My leg wound had already stopped bleeding and started to close up, which I was thankful for because it meant I didn't have to change my bandage as often. The pain had pretty much gone away, so I could stand on it as I took a shower, re-wrapped it, and got redressed in my Hufflepuff crop sweater and black high waisted jeans. After I brushed and blow-dried my hair, I hobbled out to my kitchen to see what I had in my kitchen that hadn't gone bad while I was gone. I pulled an Uncrustable out of the freezer and started to thaw it as my phone started to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that Peter was trying to Skype me. I answered it. "God, it's so nice to see your face right now," I said.

"Why, what's wrong?" Peter asked. He looked at my surroundings. "Are you home?"

"Yeah, I just got here about half an hour ago. Not that I can relax right now."

"What's going on, hon?"

I sighed. "I don't wanna talk about it over the phone. Can I come over?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll be waiting for you."

"See you in a bit Spidey. Love you."

"Love you too Allie."

I pulled on my Sketchers, grabbed my backpack and keys, and headed downstairs. "Hey Tony, I'm gonna go over to Peter's house for a little while," I said when I got out of the elevator.

"Ok, just be home by dinner at 6:30, got it?" Tony said.

"I will. Love you Tony."

"Love you too kid."

I went back outside to my car, hopped in it, and drove to Peter's apartment building. I practically ran up the steps to give my leg less time to hurt and knocked on his seventh-story apartment's door. He answered almost immediately. "Allie, what's going on?" he asked.

I didn't respond, but instead I went inside, closed the door, and wrapped my arms around Peter. I squeezed tight, and after he got over the initial shock, he put his arms around me. I nuzzled my cheek to his. "Everything is going wrong," I said.

Peter pulled away from the hug and led the way to his room, closing the door after I was inside. "Tell me what's going on. I want to know everything," he said.

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