Chapter 10

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I'm standing on the rainbow bridge in Asgard. Asgardian citizens, led by Heimdall, are making their way to the Observatory. Heimdall is trying to evacuate Asgard.

Meanwhile, from behind me, Skurge leads Hela's army, soldiers who were brought back to life with the eternal flame. They go toward the people. "Heimdall!" Skurge yells. "The sword!"

As Heimdall turns back toward the Observatory, he sees that his path is being blocked by Fenris, the giant black wolf Hela keeps as a pet. The citizens are trapped, and Heimdall gets ready to fight before someone starts shooting at Fenris.

A spaceship comes speeding into my view from the direction of the castle. On the ship is Dr. Bruce Banner and a woman in Valkyrie armor. The woman is shooting Fenris, but it's not doing anything. Banner decides he has to do something; he jumps out onto the bridge. It takes him a minute, but eventually he turns into the Hulk, the only thing strong enough to even stand a chance against the beast.

I skip forward in time. In the castle, Thor and Hela are fighting. On the bridge, Asgardian citizens are starting to fight Hela's army. Then a giant ship descends from the sky. On the ship is Loki and a bunch of warriors from a planet called Sakaar. Loki leaves the ship to help fight while the citizens who can't fight start getting on the ship.

Another skip forward. I'm following Loki as he runs through the vault. He pauses in front of the Tesseract, takes it, and keeps moving. Eventually, he reaches Surtur's skull. He takes the skull and places it in the Eternal Flame, saying, "With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn."

Another skip. Surtur is destroying Asgard. I'm standing on the bridge with Thor and the woman in the Valkyrie armor. "The people are safe. That's all that matters," the woman says.

"We're fulfilling the prophecy," Thor said.

"I hate this prophecy."

"So do I, but we have no choice. Surtur destroys Asgard, he destroys Hela so that our people can live."

One last skip. I'm in the ship Loki had brought, with the entirety of Asgard on it. Thor sits in a throne-like chair in front of them. Heimdall, a copy of myself, and Korg, a rock creature, stand on one side of him, Korg holding a bug creature named Miek. Hulk, Loki, and Valkyrie stand on the other side. "Where to?" Heimdall asked.

"I'm not sure. Any suggestions?" Thor asks. He turns to Korg. "Miek, what's your home planet?"

"Oh, Miek's dead," Korg said. "I accidentally stepped on him on the bridge. I've just felt so guilty I've been carrying him around all day." Miek moved, showing that he was alive and making Korg's face light up. "Miek, you're alive! He's alive everyone! What was your question again?"

Thor smiled and looked at me. "Earth it is."

I smiled back. "I'll be waiting."

I startled awake, forgetting where I was for a couple minutes. When I finally recognized the decorations in my room, I raced downstairs, where Tony and Pepper were sitting in the dining room. "Allie, what's wrong?" Tony asked worriedly as he rushed over to me.

"Ragnarok is coming," I panted. "Today. I need to tell Thor."

"Woah, woah, calm down. Take a deep breath. I thought you said the Skull of Surtur was locked away in Asgard's vault."

"But it's the only way. It's the only way to stop her. She'll take over everything, and they can't kill her."

"Who? Hela?"

I nodded. "I need to figure out my powers. If I can see Thor and Loki, I can talk to them."

"Allie, slow down. Talk to me."

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