Chapter 12

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I couldn't stop turning my attention toward Asgard as I tried to finish my Spanish notes. And eventually, when I was watching Heimdall, a ship entered the atmosphere. I turned my gaze toward it, and aboard the ship was Thor, Valkyrie, and Banner. As they landed on the castle, I made an illusion. "Hey, Thor, do me a favor," I said, scaring all three of them. "Beat the shit out of Hela. For my dad."

"I will do that," Thor said. "Are you gonna help Heimdall?"

"I'm not actually here, but I may be able to do a couple things. I'm gonna try my hardest," I said.

"Who is this?" Banner asked.

"Allison Stark. It's nice to meet you, Dr. Banner. Tony has told me a lot about you," I said.

"I'm so confused right now," Banner said.

"I don't blame you. Anyway, I'm gonna head down to the bridge and try to help Heimdall," I said. "Good luck."

I got rid of that illusion and made another one on the bridge next to Heimdall. "How are we looking here?" I asked.

"We're blocked on both sides," Heimdall said.

"Heimdall!" I heard Skurge yell from behind me. "The sword!"

After a few minutes, the fight was in full swing. Hulk had jumped from the plane, like I had seen in my vision, and was now fighting Fenris. I had figured out that with my powers, I could fight even if my illusions weren't solid, so I had started to help fight Hela's army. And eventually, Loki showed up on the giant ship, with a cry of, "Asgard! Your savior is here!"

As soon as Loki was off, all the Asgardian citizens started filing onto the ship. Loki walked up to Heimdall and I. "Welcome home," Heimdall said. "I saw you coming."

"'Course you did," Loki said before joining us in the fight.

We fought for what seemed like forever, not seeming to make any progress, before a huge lightning blast came from the palace. Seconds later, Thor was on the bridge, pulsing with lightning. Loki and I fought our way through Hela's army toward him. "You're late," Thor said to Loki.

"You're missing an eye," Loki said, which was true because Thor's right eye socket was now empty and bloody.

"This isn't over," Valkyrie said as she pushed between the brothers.

I turned and saw Hela walking across the bridge toward us. "I think we should disband the Revengers," Thor said.

"Hit her with a lightning blast," I said.

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing," Thor said.

"We need to hold her off until everybody's on board," Valkyrie said.

"It won't end there," Thor said. "The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now."

"What's our move?" I asked.

"I'm not doing Get Help," Loki said.

Thor thought for a second, then had a realization. "Asgard's not a place, it's a people." He looked at Loki and I. "This was never about stopping Ragnarok. It was about causing Ragnarok. In the vault. Surtur's crown. It's the only way."

"Bold move, brother," Loki said. "Even for me."

"I'll cover you," I said, and Loki and I ran off to the ship Valkyrie, Thor, and Banner had arrived on. We got in and zoomed toward the vault.

"This is madness," Loki said.

"It's literally a dream come true," I said. Loki didn't look amused. "It's the only way to stop Hela, and you know it."

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