Chapter 6

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The next week seemed to fly by. I got to talk to Tony and Peter every day, Ozzie got to see his baby and wife (he cried when I video called him and let him talk to Astrid), and Loki and I had become really good friends. I had Thanksgiving dinner with Tony, Pepper, May, and Peter over Skype (Loki didn't want to come, but I made him and he ended up enjoying himself), and Loki and I trained super hard everyday until, finally, on November 26 (one week and one day from when I had gotten to Asgard), he said I had almost mastered the skills he had taught me. "Really?" I asked as we left our morning training session to go eat breakfast.

"Yes, really. You've been working really hard," Loki said with a smile.

"Don't you have to work at this kind of stuff for years before you master it, not just a week?"

"Usually, yes, but you're different. You learn super quickly. I'm proud of you."

I smiled. "Thanks. That means a lot coming from you."

"Well, I mean it." We sat down at the table in the dining hall. "Anyway, what's today's agenda?"

"Uh, go to the Observatory after breakfast, some training before lunch, a short video call with Tony after, then more training until dinner, then eat, then shower and bed."

"Why don't you take a little break? Don't train today, rest up a little, read a book or something. You've been working really hard, you deserve some rest."

"What I really need to do is go to the other seven realms. Without Heimdall, I have no idea what the hell is going on there. For all I know, they're planning my assassination as we speak. I need to make sure this isn't happening, and if it is, I need to show that no matter who's on the throne, Asgard is not a force you wanna mess with."

"And that's a great plan, just save it for tomorrow. Go check on Skurge, come back to the castle courtyard, and relax for a while."

"Loki, I wish I could, but I can't take a day off."

"You can do whatever you want, you're the queen."

"No, it's because I'm queen that I can't do whatever I want. I have a duty to make sure Asgard is safe, and with the dreams I've been having recently, I'm not entirely sure it is."

"What dreams?"

I stopped midway through my bite of toast and cursed myself out in my head. I had told myself not to tell Loki about the dreams I had been having. I didn't want him to worry. "Oh, it's nothing, just a dream."

"Allie, with your power set, a dream may not just be a dream." Loki gave me the stern dad look. "Now what have you been dreaming of?"

I sighed. "I've seen Asgard in flames. In the middle of it all was a huge fire creature. He was about as big as a mountain with a giant sword." Loki was silent. "Like I said, its probably no-"

"You saw Ragnarok."

I was confused. "What's Ragnarok?"

Loki stood up. "Follow me." He started through the castle, walking so fast that I was jogging so I could keep up with him. Eventually, we reached the library, where he pulled a book off the shelf and turned to a page in it. "Ragnarok is the prophesied downfall of Asgard. The fire creature you see is Surtur. According to legend, if his skull is put into the Eternal Flame, he will grow to the size of a mountain and lay waste to Asgard."

I looked at the book. There was a picture of a skull with huge horns, the same skull that belonged to the creature in my dream. "So does that mean that Ragnarok is coming?" I asked.

"Your vision could be wrong. But it could also be right."

I stared at the book for a few more seconds before I slammed it shut and put it back on the shelf. "I'm not going to let that happen. My dad died to protect Asgard. I have to protect it. Now come on, let's go check on Skurge."

"Whatever you want, my queen."

We made our way to the Observatory. When we got there, Skurge was nowhere to be found. "Where the hell is that asshole?" I said rhetorically.

"Would you like me to go get a guard to find him?"

As soon as Loki finished his sentence, Skurge walked into view on the bridge. He had two girls with him. When he saw Loki and I, he stopped talking to the girls and rushed over to Loki and I. He bowed in front of me. "Your majesty. I didn't think you were coming today," he said.

"I come every day, why would today be different? And stand up, you know how much I hate this bowing shit."

Skurge stood up. "Well, I figured with the party-" He stopped mid sentence after glancing at Loki. "Nevermind, I must have my events mixed up. My bad."

"Uh huh," I said, not fully convinced but fully confused. "Well, I just came to check on you. Have fun with your guests, but if you neglect your job because of them, I'll be upset."

"Yes, your majesty. Have a nice day."

"You too, Skurge."

Loki and I started walking back across the rainbow bridge, but when I started to go back to the castle, Loki stopped me. "How about we train out in the mountains today? Work on different terrain."

"Yeah, whatever, but I need my web shooters."

I tried to go around him, but he blocked me. "How about focusing on your magic today?"

I gave him a confused look. "Loki, why are you acting so weird? Does it have something to do with the fact Skurge thought there was a party?"

"Of course not. He has no idea what he's talking about. Come on, let's go train for a little bit, then we can go back to the castle and get your web shooters."

I was still hella skeptical, but I just nodded and followed Loki to the mountainside. We trained for about an hour, and during that hour, Loki seemed super distracted. I tried to ask him about it, but he just deflected the questions.

After Loki finally said we should go back to the castle, we went back, and when I walked into the courtyard, I was kinda surprised by what I saw. It was decorated with beautiful gold decorations, there was a lot of people milling around, and to my right was a table full of food and beverages.

Everyone stopped and bowed when they saw me, but I ignored them and turned to Loki. "So there was a party," I said, somewhat annoyed but also grateful.

"Surprise!" Loki said.

I sighed. "I told you, I don't have time for this."

"Allie, you deserve a break. Everyone thinks so. You've worked so hard as our queen. Take some time for yourself."

I looked around at the courtyard, and eventually a smile formed on my face. "Fine, fine. But only for a little bit, ok? I have a lot of shit to do."

Loki smiled. "A little bit is fine with me."

I went over and grabbed some grapes and a goblet of grape juice before starting to mingle, Loki by my side. I had a lot of people thank me for everything I've been doing as queen, and some even thanked Loki for helping me run the kingdom. Loki had managed to sneak my phone and Bluetooth speaker from my room, so my favorites playlist was playing in the background as I had a good time.

A couple hours into the party, as I was sitting on the lounging couch talking to Loki about my plan to check out the seven realms I haven't been to, I heard a small commotion behind me. I turned and saw the crowd part like the Red Sea to reveal a tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed man with armor, a long, red cape, and a familiar hammer. "Brother," Loki said, standing up. "You're back."

Thor looked at me, then at Loki. "Where is Father?"

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