Chapter 3

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I got a lot of weird looks as I pulled my giant suitcase through the crowd of people that were swarming what looked like the town square. After I finally broke through the crowd, I found "Odin" lounging on a couch eating grapes. Surprisingly, no one stopped me as I walked up to him. "Hello Loki," I said, giving him a fake half bow.

He looked afraid for a second, then changed his expression to amusement. "My dear, you must be confused. I am Odin, king of Asgard. Loki is dead. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a play to watch in a second," he said.

I turned around and saw a stage. "Oh, a play you say? Don't worry, I'll give you some better drama than them." I turned around and hopped onto the stage. "Listen up everyone!! My name is Allison Stark, and Odin sent me here from Earth to take my place as the rightful queen of Asgard! This impostor, Loki, has been lying to you all since the dark elves attacked!"

"Lies!" Loki bellowed. "All lies! Guards, seize her!"

I held my hand up as the guards came to arrest me, and they stopped immediately when they saw the ring on my finger. "She wears Draupnir," one of them said.

"Only a member of Odin's bloodline could wear that ring," another said.

"Y'all willing to listen now?" I asked sarcastically. I was met with silence from everyone, including Loki. "Good. Odin had a son a long time ago, before Thor was even born. This son was named Andrew. Odin sent him to Earth, or Midgard if that's what you prefer, in order to protect the throne. Twenty years ago, that man married a woman named Tamara Stark. Four years later, they had me. Today, on the five year anniversary of my father's death, I've come to take my rightful place on the throne of Asgard in Odin's absence."

Loki rushed up to the stage. "Lies! I am Odin!"

I pulled my gun out of the holster, held it to his head, and cocked it. "Make your move, Reindeer Games." Loki stared at me (he must have remembered when Tony told him that in Stuttgart, a story Tony had told me one time over post-training froyo), and after he processed what was going on he raised his hands and turned back into himself. "Good move."

Everyone in the courtyard gasped, and the guards immediately turned on Loki. "Well boys, it was fun while it lasted," Loki said.

"Your majesty, would you like us to arrest him?" one of the guards asked.

"No, not yet," I said. "I wanna have a little talk with him first. Let's head to the throne room." I turned to one of the guards and pointed at my suitcase. "And can you have someone take that to my room, please?"

The guard nodded, grabbed my suitcase, and walked away. Another guard grabbed Loki, and the rest protected me as we made our way into the castle and to the throne room. Once we were in the huge, golden room, I dismissed the guards, leaving just Loki and I. I walked up to him. "If there's any way I can be of service, my queen-" he started before I punched him in the face.

"That was for my uncle Tony." As he was stunned from the first punch, I kicked him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. "And that was for my godfather, Phil Coulson."

Loki doubled over, then dropped to one knee. "How dare you attack me!" he said.

"I have every right to after the pain you've caused on Earth. In New York, where I didn't see my mom or dad for days because of you and the Chitauri. In New Mexico, where I again didn't see my mom for weeks. You killed because you felt like it, and your megalomaniac personality took precious moments with my parents away from me."

"I deserve to sit on that throne. I am the rightful king of-"

"Of what? Of Asgard? Sorry, that title goes to me. Now yes, maybe you did have the right to rule Jotunheim, but news flash, you ruined that when you tried to destroy it with the Bifrost. You don't deserve shit, and if you can realize that and stop being power hungry and selfish for once in your life, I just might have use for you."

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