Chapter 5

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As soon as I was dressed in black high waisted jeans, my Colorado long sleeve crop top, and my Vans, I headed back down to the dungeons to get Loki. When I got there, he was still sleeping. "Alright, time to get up! Come on, let's go!" I yelled, startling Loki awake. He groaned and rolled back over. I opened his cell, went inside, and jumped on him. "Come on sleepyhead, we have shit to do today."

Loki pushed me onto the floor and sat up, his long black hair hiding most of his angry face from view. "It's too early for this," he said.

"Actually, I slept in an extra half hour, so it's too late for this."

Loki swung his legs out of the bed and stood up. "What's the first thing on your to-do list?"

"Give me a sec, I have a list on my phone." I pulled my phone out of my pocket. "Oh, and brush your hair, it's a mess."

"Don't worry about my hair, worry about your outfit."

I looked down at what I was wearing. "What's wrong with my outfit?"

"Nothing, if you want the people of Asgard to just see you as some Midgardian teenager who has no idea what she's doing."

"Alright smartass, what do you suggest I wear?"

Loki studied me from head to toe. "I know exactly how to dress you. We just need to get some armor from the armory first."

"Well then, lead the way."

Loki exited the cell and started leading me through the castle. Eventually, we walked into the armory. When we got there, there was a female warrior in there polishing her weapon. When she saw Loki, she raised her weapon. "Stand down, Sif. I don't threaten," Loki said.

"I've heard that before," Sif said. Her gaze was set on Loki, and she was ready to attack. "And most of the time, it's been a lie."

I stepped in between Loki and Sif. "Hi, you must be Lady Sif. I'm Allie," I said, holding my hand out for her to shake it.

She ignored my hand and bowed instead. "My queen, it is an honor to meet you at last," Sif said.

"Oh, that's not necessary, really." Sif stood up. "Actually, I'm glad you're here. Loki told me a lot about you, and I would love to train with you sometime. Maybe you could teach me some of what you know, and I can teach you some things I know."

"It would be an honor to train with you, my queen."

"Then I'll find you soon. Anyway, you can go back to what you were doing, Loki and I have to find me some armor."

"If I may have a word, my queen."

"Yeah, sure. Loki, start finding me some armor." Loki nodded and went off to look for something that would fit me. "What's up?"

"I would be careful with Loki." Sif glanced over to where Loki was looking at capes. "He is not to be trusted."

"Don't worry about him. I can take him down if I need to, but I don't think that'll be necessary. We talked for a long time last night, I think he's starting to trust me."

"You would be surprised how deceptive he can be, my queen."

"Thank you for warning me, Sif, but I'll be fine."

Sif nodded and walked off to train. I walked over to Loki. He had already laid out a pair of leggings, a black long-sleeve that was almost short enough to be a crop top, black knee-high boots, chest armor, and a long cape. The cape was black with silver on the top of the outside and a red lining. The armor also seemed to have hints of red around it. "Well," Loki said. "Put it on."

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