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Naruto's POV

Why? Why... Why do I feel so empty? Why do I live? Do I have a purpose in life? If so what is it? Is it to simply take in the abuse of everyone that surrounds me? Wait... What is that? That hand? Oh, it's just mine. Why is everything so dark?

"Go away! No one needs you. Why did you bother being born? Freak!"

"Why?! What have I done to hurt you? What have I done for you to hate me?! "

No one's POV

"Yo, Naruto, wake up. Naruto!" Said Gaara as he shoved Naruto awake.

"Hmm?" Said Naruto tiredly.

" You were screaming in your sleep. So I came to check on you." Said Gaara worried about his childhood friend.

"Bad dream? " Asked Gaara.

"Yeah" Answered Naruto.

"Well wake up, and eat something, let's go do something later ok? "

"Bet bro"

With that Gaara left the room. 'What was that dream about? ' Thought Naruto. 'I've had the same dream over and over again these last few days, oh well' Naruto then got up out of his bed, and put on a shirt, then walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Once he got out of the bathroom, he went to the kitchen and saw Gaara eating cereal on the table. 

"Yoo, Gaara good morning"

" Good morning Naruto. "

"Did I wake you up with my pussy ass screaming? "

Gaara chuckled

"Nah I been up, you know me, I don't wake up late. Unlike your lazy ass! "

"Hey, that's mean Gaara! " Exclaimed Naruto as he playfully punched his arm.

"So Gaara. Where you wanna go? "

Gaara stood silent for a while.

" I know what you might think but... Let's go meet up with Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura, Kiba, and Ino. "

"Gaara... You know I don't like socializing at all." Said Naruto as he poured milk on his cereal.

" Yeah that's why I want you to go out more. I can't be the only friend you have Naruto."

" Why not? Your the only friend I ever need."

" Are you saying that because you don't want anyone to know about your depression?"

Naruto's face darkened.

" And? What if it is? "

Gaara sighs, " Naruto, I care for you deeply. Shit, I love you like my little brother " Said Gaara as he got up and ruffled Naruto's hair. " That's why you need to socialize. You do realize not everyone sees you as the villagers sees you, right? If you give them a chance, you might have fun. And you'll be happier"

" But I am happy Gaara! I have you! "

Gaara sighs, " I know you have me, but. I also know your not entirely happy. What your missing is something that, I don't even know. Deep down inside of your heart. You know what you want, and what your missing! "

Naruto stays in silence for what seems like forever.

" Is it that obvious? " Asked Naruto.

" To other people no, but to me? Yes it's obvious. I know you like the back of my hand. So tell me Naruto, what are you missing? "

Naruto sighs and stays silent again.

"What I'm missing... " Naruto's voice softens, "What I'm missing is, love. Not brotherly love or parental love. But love."

Gaara seems surprised.

'Love? ' Thought Gaara.

"Gaara, what I'm missing, is love and affection from someone that adores me. Someone that'll be there by my side when I need her. You know what type of love I want Gaara, right?

" Yes Naruto I do "

" Well then. I guess I can give it a shot and try to socialize with people." Chuckled Naruto.

" So when do we leave? " Asked Naruto.

"At 3" Answered Gaara.

"Aight bet. Imma sleep then. Wake me up at two. " Suggested Naruto.

" Bet bro. " Agreed Gaara.

Naruto left the table without eating his cereal.

Naruto got to his room and jumped on his bed. Looking at the ceiling, he thinks ' Am I ever going to find someone who loves me? What if no one wants me? ' 

Naruto, turns over and grabs his phone, with his headphones and plays 'Nineteen' by Lil Peep

Nineteen - Lil Peep plays:
I don't wanna lose you
I don't wanna hate you
I don't wanna do you like that
Why you gotta do me like that?
'Cause I got face tats and my boots black
I don't wanna go to school, I'on like that
Everybody think I'm cool, I'on like that
Codeine by the pool while I write raps
Spend money like a fool, I'ma make it back

With this. Naruto drifts off to sleep.

A/n so guys. This is my first ever chapter. And first ever fan fiction. So if you like it please vote. And check out the song I put in for y'all. It's the same song Naruto heard before sleeping. So yeah. See y'all soon?

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