End of The Road

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Naruto woke up startled and having trouble breathing.

'What a fucking dream, why would I have a dream about what happened to me when I was five? It happened a long time ago'

Naruto looked to his side and calmed down as he saw his pink haired girlfriend sleeping beside him. His breathing was under control as he layed back down looking at the ceiling.

He was lost in his thoughts.

'It had been a year since I met these people, and man are they precious to me. I have a loving girlfriend, a best friend, a shy friend, and of course I still have my big brother. My life is better now. I have people that love me so much that it's crazy. I know they'll never hurt me or betray me.'

Sakura rolled over and snuggled her head against Naruto's chest as she rested her hand against his scars.

Ah yes, those scars. He had told his friends about his past. About how he actually met Gaara. It was surprising how good they reacted to Naruto opening up to them. Soon after he had opened up to them, he and Sakura started dating.

She loved him, he loved her back. It was crazy, that what he always craved for has come to him. It feels so unreal. His first kiss was with her. His first time holding hands with somebody was her. The first girl he had loved was her.

He had so many beautiful memories with her. Everything seemed so perfect in his eyes. Was it really? Could it be that she's dating him out of pity? No, she wouldn't do that. Would she?

But Naruto pushed these thoughts aside in his brain and held his girlfriend closer. As he drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

~The Next Morning~
Naruto woke up feeling no weight on his chest as he did last night. He looked down to see just his bare chest with no beautiful pink haired girlfriend snuggling on him.

He looked over to the side to see if she was there. Not there either.

'She must be in the kitchen because I smell breakfast'

He looked at his phone to see the time. 'Shit it's 12:30 I overslept' Naruto got up and brushed his teeth, and walked into the kitchen. To his surprise, Sakura wasn't making breakfast or even there at all. It was his big brother, Gaara cooking for Naruto and him.

"Good morning Gaara, or should I say afternoon?"

"Sup, and afternoon I guess"

Naruto stood in silence still feeling a bit tired.

"Where's Sakura-chan?", asked Naruto.

"Thought she was laying in bed with you."

"Nah, she wasn't there when I woke up"

"She must've left before I woke up then."

"That early huh?"

"Yeah", Gaara said as he sent a suspicious look at Naruto.

"What are you thinking Naruto?"

"Oh nothing", said Naruto as he looked down.



"You look down everytime you lie Naruto. What's on your mind?"


"Isn't she always though? If so why the long face?"

"She seems kinda distant nowadays"

"I'm sure she's just busy Naruto! Don't worry", said Gaara as he ruffled Naruto's hair.

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