Flashback 3: Betrayed

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Warning: this chapter contains violence and sexual assault.

Third Pov
Six months had passed since the incident of the hospital. Naruto's father was behind bars, serving time for 40 years, charged with aggravated assault and attempted murder.

Naruto was living with Iruka, happily. He was finally at peace. Finally happy. No more pain, no more hurt, no more despair.

Naruto was sitting at the table eating his cereal when Iruka came into the kitchen.

"Hey Naruto"

"Hey Iruka-san"

"I'm going to work, I'll be back late. And remember the rules. Never go outside. Or else you'll end up hurt again, ok?"

"Yes sir"

"I already said Naruto, no need for formalities. When are you going to learn?", chuckled Iruka.

"S-sorry Iruka-san"

"Ok well stay home and don't open the door to anybody. I'll let myself in with the key. Got it?"

"Yes Iruka-san"

Iruka left for 'work'. Obviously he didn't went to work. He never worked. He provided for himself and Naruto with the inheritance from his father.

Iruka just went to the bar got drunk with his buddy and went back home late night when Naruto was asleep. As Iruka stepped into the bar, he saw his friend Mizuki waiting for him. He approached Mizuki and sat down across from him. There were few people in the bar. It was a weekday after all.

"Yo Iruka!"

"Hey Mizuki"

"How's the brat?"

"Same old, same old. He's so naive it's pathetic. He buys every single thing I say!"

"Well, can't blame the brat...", said Mizuki as he drank his sake. "He never experienced love or anything, it's only natural to be the way he is", finished Mizuki.

Iruka pulled out a cigarette, and lit up as he put in his mouth.

"Guess so."

"So when are you going to do it Iruka?"

"Do what?"

"Aw, come on! Don't telling me that your having second thoughts of killing the brat!"

"No, none at all"

"So then why hesitate?"

"Believe it or not, I've grown to kinda like the kid. I mean the way he trusts me is so pathetic that I pity him. And when I kill him, I'll miss him a bit. I don't love the fucker. It's simply the fact that he's the first special experiment I've had."

"Why do you do stuff like this?"

"I don't know Mizuki, it's probably the fact that I'm bored. The inheritance I gained from my pops was so huge that I don't know what to do with my life. It's just a hobbie, I guess. The sight of them crying when they figure out that the 'love' I gave them was all for naught, and the sounds they make when I slash their throats. The way their blood gushes out and spills everywhere, makes me so excited that I want even more!"

"Your fucking insane Iruka", chuckled Mizuki.

"Your insane as well"

"Oh? How?"

"Your friends with me, and help me cover my experiments"

Mizuki chuckled, "Can't argue with you there Iruka"

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