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Third Pov
Naruto was sitting with his untouched food in front of him. He kept quiet. He didn't know what to do, or even say. He just listened to the conversation between Gaara and what might be his new friends.

"Hey Sasuke"

"Yeo Gaara"

"Where's Kiba? I thought he'd be here."

"He had to stay home. His moms was working so he had to take care of the kid."

"Oh, well I hope we see him next time."

"So Naruto, tell us about yourself", said Ino interrupting the conversation between Gaara and Sasuke.

Naruto stayed silent and sent a look at Gaara. Gaara simply nodded. He had to grab confidence to talk to others.

"Well, I used to live in this small village called Konoha. That's where me and Gaara met."

"What are your hobbies?", asked Sakura.

"Umm, well I like listening to music. I read books, I like to write rhymes in my room alone."

"Interesting, so your not into fashion?" , asked Ino.

"No, I wear what I find suitable really."

"... "

"So what about your parents?", asked Hinata.

Naruto stayed silent, and sent Gaara a nervous glance. Gaara looked at him with sympahthy.

"Sorry", mouthed Gaara.

Naruto took a deep breath.

"Well?", said an impatient Ino.

"M-my parents? W-well, my m-mom died when I was born. A-and m-my father is no where to be found."


"S-sorry, y'all shouldn't have known that about me.", apologized Naruto.

"N-no Naruto-kun, it's ok. Sorry for asking", said Hinata with sympathetic eyes towards Naruto.

This made Naruto blush heavily. Those lavender eyes glaring at him. But the glare isn't of hate, or disgust. It's full of sympathy towards him. It made him feel... Warmth? He just met her, how could he feel such ways?

'Those eyes... Their eyes full of sympathy. Eyes full of understanding. Can she understand? Understand me? This feeling. What is it? I've never felt it before. Is it warmth?'

Naruto was thinking too deep, that he didn't notice that he had been staring at Hinata this whole time. Hinata had a blush on her face. Sasuke called Naruto's name to get his attention.

Naruto focused, and noticed that he had been staring at Hinata. A blush grew on his face.

"Naruto!", said Sasuke.

"Uh yeah?"

"I was calling your name, but you seemed that you were staring at Hinata's beauty!"

Everyone laughed except for Naruto and Hinata. They were too embarrassed to even say or do anything.

"No it's not that, I just zoned out!"

"So your saying that Hinata isn't cute?", asked Ino teasingly.

"W-what? N-no of course n-not! I was just zoned out!"

"Ino, stop teasing Naruto. He was just zoned out."

"Jeez Sasuke, I was just joking with him."

"I know but he seems uncomfortable."

"But I'm not!", said Naruto.

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