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It's already 3 p.m. yet the sun was still blazing hot that it can even burn one's skin and cause others to collapse. However, it didn't hinder some devotees in showing their love and devotion to God on Good Friday. For them, the sun's heat was nothing compared to all the injustices and sufferings that the Lord Jesus had endured out of love for the whole of humanity.
But sad to say not all can accept this truth and understand His redeeming love, for many people who were inside the vehicles got irritated because of long and heavy traffic caused by religious devotion. Without giving interest in the piety that was being shown they yelled at them and called them crazy. It sounds useless for them but not to a 4 years old little girl who was happily watching them.
" PRINCESS! Close the window and get off that eyes of yours on the POOR LITTLE RATS outside!" Mr. Earth sternly said to her daughter who was sitting in the backseat.
The little girl slowly closed the window and requested to his daddy, " Daddy, can you please stop calling them r-rats. They're humans too, like us. After all they were doing nothing wrong on us. They simply wanted to show their love to G-Go" she wasn't finished speaking when his dad loudly slumped the steering wheel.
" YOU SHUT UP! I've told you many times NEVER AND NEVER TO MENTION THE NAME OF THAT NONSENSE GOD! THERE'S NO GOD! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT !" He angrily said that made the child start crying.
" It's your mom again who told you this, right? Then I tell you. Never to believe and listen to her words or else both of you will be punished!" Hearing those words she remembered her beloved and pious mommy who wanted to participate in the Church's sacred activities but sad to say her mom was locked in a mansion by her atheist father.
Princess's parents had never been happy in their married life simply because their wedding was arranged by their parents. Mr. Earth's family owed a huge debt to the parents of Princess's mom. Unable to pay he was forced to marry her but little by little they started to love each other. 
However, having a peaceful and joyful family was not easy to obtain, Mr & Mrs. Earth so often got quarreled especially when the subject was God.  He would treat her harshly and will do his best to let his daughter be far from all religious rituals and beliefs that she might catechize to her. Their relationship started to become more complicated when she finally found out that she married
a man without God.

The car started to run slowly a signal that they're not anymore stagnant in the traffic. But little did he know 200 meters away from them there was an accident that made all vehicles stop for a second time and got stocked for a long time. In great dismay, Mr. Earth opened his car's left window to unload his anger but after having seen the spot where they've stopped, it's in front of the Cathedral his anger boasted and his face turned very red.
"WHAT THE HELL! OF ALL THE MANY PLACES WHY It's STOP HERE!" He cranky said while continuously hitting the steering wheel. He hates Christians and churches but the most he hated is GOD!
The little girl silently laughed when he saw his dad acting like a child having a tantrum.
She took glances at the beautiful cathedral the place she longed to enter. After being fascinated with its beauty the child whispered slowly.
" How I wish one day  to enter in this holy place together with daddy."
For the second time, she gazed at every detailed design of the cathedral, and her eyes were glued on the rooftop where a cross was stationed. She couldn't stop gazing at it for it was like a star brightly shining even in daylight. After a half-hour of looking intently at it, her little eyes felt tired but when blink the whole scenario completely changed. The girl who was earlier sitting inside the car was now in the middle of the flower field. To her amazement in seeing the vast field of different flowers that were displayed endlessly beyond the horizon with big round eyes and open-wide mouth she joyfully shouts,
But the surprise was not yet over because when she turned to her back a beautiful castle towering in the middle of the flower field was presented before her eyes. "Is it true or Am I dreaming?" She said while tapping both of her cheeks.
" Yes, it's true and you're not dreaming!" Then a very white man came from her back wearing a white long robe and his face was shining. She spontaneously asked the man,
"Is this place owned by you? Can I buy it?"
The man sweetly smiled at her question. " Well, you don't have to buy it because this place belongs to you." "Really?" She said while waiting for the man's assurance and when he nodded the little girl was like a happy frog jumping in the air.
The girl's smile grows wider and wider as the man carried her and showed to her the magnificent beauty of the castle.
"How will I find this place? Does it truly exist? I've never seen it in my place," she sadly asked the man and signaled him to put her down.
The man then kneeled in front of her ." It does exist and it's to be found inside your heart."
Confused about what she heard, she remained silent trying to imagine how can a castle entered inside her heart. The man continued "Take care 0f this place for this castle and all that's here are connected to you. Your emotions, faith, and how you live your life has its effect on this place. If you want this place to remain beautiful then you have to live a happy and beautiful life no matter what difficulties and disasters may come. Will you?"
Though it's was still hard for her to digest what the man was saying she confidently responded " YES, I WILL!" Then she got his hand to do the pinkie swear but she got shocked when she saw both of the man's hands has a hole.
The man noticed the child's reaction and so he slowly explained to her the reason why he got those holes.

" These are the visible sign of my great love for you and to the whole human race." After he told those words the child embraced him and whispered in his ears. " I will not forget these hands of yours."
The man smiled at her and little by little he started to disappear. " Wait!" The child shouted as she remembered that she forgot to ask his name.
" Who are you then? Please don't go without telling me your name?"
But the man's presence was nowhere to be found. " Please...please...please," she pleaded. A strong wind came and a soft voice whispered in her little ears

" Who am I? It's for you to find out."

The child smiled and responded to that voice " Ok! I will call you
Mr. White Man then."

A/N: Thank you for patiently reading the long Prologue.😇

I hope & pray that you will not only enjoy reading the whole story but also came to know your truest identity and become more convinced that God loves you more than the number of your sins, failures, and weakness. To God be the Glory! Amen.

After you read, please don't forget to leave your comments, suggestions, and reflections. Please vote too.
God bless you all.😇🙏

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