Chapter 9: I'm Love & Mercy

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Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
-1 John 4:7-8


Now playing:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus

( A/N: This is the Theme Song of this Chapter.😇)


"I'm here"

" Always here beside you."

After Jesus spoke those words he extended his hands toward her. Words can't describe how happy she was to hear His voice.


Seeing the mark of nails in His hands, her tears became more numerous. And like a child who missed seeing her dad after a long time separation, she rose and ran to Him. Jesus in return welcomed her with His loving embrace.

"J-J...Je...sus (sob). It's (sob) Y-You (sob)."

"It's I."

" I'm s...sorry. I...I failed to l-live an h...happy and beau...tiful l-life."

" Shh. It's alright.
You may fail many times but it doesn't mean you're a loser and can't be happy anymore. You've failed yesterday but it doesn't mean you will fail today and tomorrow. You can still be happy and live a beautiful life."

"I'm sorry."

"I've already forgiven you."

" How come you've easily pardoned me after I've cussed and cursed you."

" Because that's who I am. I'm Love and Mercy. Whenever people come to me with all their heart and repent for their sins. They were truly forgiven and were reconciled once again in my love.
When someone sinned either venial or mortal I want to tell you that I did not punish them for I punished no one. What tribulation they've experienced were the results and consequences of their wrong choices and the abuse of their free will. When you were in sin, I didn't abandon you but I was so close to you more than ever for it's the time you needed me most. But you were blinded by anger and hatred that you failed to recognize my presence. Instead of running towards me you've neglected me, blamed me, and abandoned me.

Princess, I didn't let you, it's you who had left me."

"All of my life I hated you so much. I regretted that you've created me.
With all those hatreds I have for you, have you ever got mad at me?"

"Nope, I didn't and I will never get mad at you even if you've mocked and shouted a lot of times at me. My love for you never fails and it will stay the same. I've loved you with an everlasting love."

"Your love for me is truly a great Lord but I can't deny that I'm still hesitant."

" I know and it's because of the bad experiences you had about love.
But I tell you that though you're hesitant, your heart is extremely longing for love. You want to love and to be loved but you don't know how and to whom.
And you're madly thirsty for a father's love that your earthly dad failed to do so. Princess, no father on earth can satisfy that longing inside of you but only my Father in heaven can.

He allows some experiences to happen in your life for a good reason. Now it's still blurry or sightless but time will come you will realize everything that had happened in your life has

fallen in its proper place.


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God bless you all!😇🙏

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