Chapter 14: The 7 Cardinal Sins

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Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. That is what some of you used to be, but now you have had yourselves washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God.
-1 Corinthians 6:9-11


(A/N: Hello dear,
Thanks for all the support.🥰 I dedicate this part to corbantulip. Thanks, dear for the warm love and support you're showing in this book.


Theme Song: Set Me Free by Casting Crowns

After she successfully finished the given challenge of the first floor. Princess was ready for the 2nd floor and was about to take the doorknob of a strange room when she heard Jesus's reminder.

" Princess, this time it will be hard. Don't be deceived by anyone, stick to the truth, and trust me. I might not enter inside with you but remember I journey with you and always on your side."

" Lord, can I do this?"

"Princess together with me you can overcome all. For all things are possible to me. Just trust me."

" Yes, Lord." And she opened the door and entered before her was a very wide room and of course, it's dark. In front of was a black glittery throne facing the wall.

As she walked towards it someone welcomed her.
" Welcome home my beloved Princess!
I've been waiting for your arrival." A very cold voice of a lady who seemed sitting on the throne.

" Who are you?"

But she received no response, then the throne turned around and faced her.
Princess got shocked seeing a lady who has the same face as her.
" Who are you? And why do we have the same face?"

" I'm Pride, the queen of this castle." After she said those words she gave her an evil smirk.

"NO! This castle has no queen and If there will be it will not be you."

Hearing it Pride got irritated and she stood up and walked around her while glancing from head to foot.

" Really?
Then let's see if you can cast us out in this castle." And another six bad Spirits appeared in front of her and she git shocked that they too have some of her. It was Envy, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Greed, and Sloth.
"WHAT! How dare you to copy my face."

They wrestled with her trying to get her soul. Lust quickly attacked to choke her while others were holding her hands and foot.

" Give us your body."

"You all photocopies, do you think I will. Of course not! It's doesn't belong to and never will be."
Envy strongly slapped her and held her mouth
" You Bitch! Do you think you're strong? You're not. And if you were it because of us."

" Yeah, truly admit I'm weak.
But when I'm weak it is then that I am strong." And she continuously calls the name of Jesus.

" Lord Jesus, I deeply need you. Please help me not to be deceived nor be once again under the devil's spell. Guard my heart against all sorts of vices and the snare of evil spirits...." as she continued conversing with Him, the six spirits began to grumble in pain. Whenever they touched her they were burned.


"How dare you reject us and take refuge in him," she added.

This time all the six spirits fused to her and became a horrible lady she couldn't imagine.

Princess was destructed and started to feel fear. Then the lady who has the 7 spirits of the cardinal sins painfully pinched her cheeks with her sharp nails.

" WHERE IS YOUR COURAGE NOW! Princess have you forgotten that we're the one who was with you when you had no one. When you're parents gone, We alone cared for you and with us, you were surely dead a long time ago. We're the reason for all your success, fame, etc. Do you think you can survive without us?  The truth is that you can't because you need us.
Well,  we're inside of you and we will devour your soul completely."

" Truth? She chuckled 
You liar, from the very start you never cared for me. Back then and until now it's your pleasures you cared the most and only use me to satisfy your hunger but have you truly asked what's my heart thirst and hunger for? Have you thought once about what makes me truly happy and become the best person I can be? Have you ever desired good things for me? I think never did you all! I don't want money, jewelry, cars, mansions, boys, etc. I simply want to be happy and free but came and deceived me by earthly pleasures and filled my life with all vanity and even made me far from God.
You told me that I will be the happiest and luckiest lady in the world once I obey and listen to you and I did it but you all liars because never did I! I became rich and famous but I was sad and empty. Strong? No, you didn't make me instead you made me a loser and coward by escaping and neglecting the real me."



This time the evil lady was grinding her teeth in great anger. Four Chains from nowhere appeared and tied her hands and foot.

" Even if you kill me this castle will not be your throne nor my body is yours."

" Why? Who do you want to rule her dear?" she then caressed her cheeks.
"Don't tell me you are interested in the throne. Then take it! After all, it's far better to stay here than return to your world. No one loves you there and you don't have a beautiful mansion to shelter you but here I will assure you a life free from pain and suffering. I will take care of you, Princess. Come on dear, take the throne or else I'll take your soul and rule this castle forever!"

" Do you want to know who will sit on the throne?" She fearlessly looked at her fierce eyes.

She takes a long breath " It's neither you and me" she takes the crucifix in her pocket and immediately targeted the throne.

" IT'S HIM!" The crucifix was now standing on the throne.

" He alone can sit at the throne of my heart nothing else."

The evil lady screamed and slowly vanished like ashes in her sight.

Then the crucifix sparked and lighted the throne room and in a vision, she saw Jesus proudly smiling at her.


A/N: Hello dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,
Thank you so much for reading.🥰

God bless you all!😇🙏

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