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What is harder: to forgive or to forget?

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It was scary how Brad's mood went from a bear who wanted to be petted by feeding him with fish to a bear who wanted to attack the intruders of the lake where he lived.

"Con, what's up?" Brad asked, then Noah tore some cotton candy from the bag and ate it, letting the artificial purple coloring dye her lips temporarily.

"This is a wrong time, Con. I'm in the middle of a date right now," Brad sighed, running a palm over his hair as he stressed out over the situation.

"Alright. But you owe me," Brad finally said, then he ended the call. Noah looked at Brad, who looked at her with a frown.

"I guess I have to cut this date short, princess," Brad said, then Noah gestured him to explain further.

"That was my half-brother. My dad's holding this...mass free check-up at somewhere far away, and one of the nurses called off. He wants me to go there and help them out since he found out that I was off-duty today," Brad said, making Noah smile.

"Oh. Will it be okay if I join?" Noah asked, then Brad widened his eyes.

"I mean, I don't see why not, but what are you going to do there?" Brad asked, then Noah shrugged.

"Help out? I can hand you guys some medicines or take records. Entertain the people, if there's nothing else to do," Noah said, then Brad smiled.

"I like the way you think. Well, in that case, let's return the bikes. Con should meet us there," Brad said, then they cycled all the way to the town hall and returned the bikes before waiting for Brad's half brother to arrive. Just when they finished all of the cotton candy, a car familiar to Brad parked near them, then he gently grabbed Noah's hand and they both walked towards it.

A boy they were both familiar with climbed out of the car, then he gasped a little when he made eye contact with Noah.

"Hey, Con," Brad said, then Connor turned his focus from Noah to Brad.

"Brad! I'm really glad that you can save the day," Connor said, then Brad sighed.

"Is it okay if she comes with us? She promised to help out," Brad asked Connor, who nodded his head.

"Of course. I'm sure Noah won't mind the volunteer work," Connor said, making Brad look at Connor then at Noah, who was lightly blushing.

"You two know each other?" Connor asked, then Brad gave him a confused look.

"Yeah. She's the granddaughter of the old man I'm taking care of. What about you? How do you know her?" Brad asked, then Noah cleared her throat.

"I met him while I was going around town. We met at the bakery and helped out," Noah told Brad, who looked at her and nodded his head.

She was able to see a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

"Anyway, I have to ask your grandfather if you can come with me until late. I'll come back after I call him on the phone, okay?" Brad said, then Noah nodded her head. He went to a nearby phone booth while Noah looked at Connor in disbelief.

"So, you're his half brother?" Noah asked Connor, who nodded his head.

"Yes. I never thought that I'd see you again," Connor said, then Noah smiled.

"I'm glad we did. Just not in the way I expected, though," Noah said, then Connor laughed.

"Same. And, oh, I think it's awesome that you want to come. Dad's really trying to make this event as smooth as possible, so he would love the extra help," Connor said, which made Noah smile.

Coffee Cups and Onion Rings || Brad Simpson (The Vamps) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now