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Maybe all I really needed was love.

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Unfortunately, their moment was interrupted by the beeping of Brad's pager, and before they knew it, they were on their way to pick up Noah's grandfather.

As Brad weaved through traffic, Noah looked at the sea beside them. The wind coming from her partially opened window blew her hair back, instinctively making Brad hold her hand that was on her lap after glancing at her. Brad's actions successfully got Noah's attention, then she looked at him with a smile.

"What are you thinking about, princess? You've got your thinking face on, and, not going to lie, it looks creepy," Brad said, making Noah laugh as she rubbed Brad's hand.

"I'm just scared of how my grandpa will react, you know? At the end of the day, you're his nurse, and I'm his granddaughter, and I'm not sure if he'll approve of our relationship or not," Noah said, then Brad smiled sadly on his seat. All this time, he was confident that Noah's grandfather would be over the moon for the both of them, but after hearing Noah's concern about their relationship, he knew that she was right.

"I understand. But, hey, if you're not sure about telling him now, we can wait," Brad reassured Noah, who thanked him before looking out of her window again. When Brad pulled the car over in front of the building, Noah immediately climbed out of the car, then she met her waiting grandfather by the door.

"Hey grandpa," Noah said as she greeted her grandfather, whose smile almost reached his ears.

"Noah! It's nice to see you instead of Brad for a change," her grandfather said, then Noah playfully rolled her eyes as they both walked to the car, where Brad was waiting for them.

"So, Pops, how was the game?" Brad asked the old man beside him as he put his seatbelt on, then Noah's grandfather shrugged.

"Oh, nothing. Just won the blackout round, that's all," Noah's grandfather said, making Brad gape in happiness.

"Whoa. That's a big thing, Pops. Congratulations!" Brad said happily as Noah's grandfather cheered for himself, then Noah smiled to herself, happy that she could see her grandfather this happy again.

"Well, where do you want to go to celebrate?" Brad asked, then Noah's grandfather looked at Noah and smiled at her.

"Only if Noah's okay with where we're going," Noah's grandfather said, then Noah shrugged her shoulders. Because of the old man's excitement, Brad already knew what the old man was talking about.

"Where are we going?" Noah said, then Brad sighed before turning towards Noah.

"Pops' favourite diner. It's surfer-themed, so I'm not sure if you're fine with that or not," Brad said, then Noah took a deep breath and tried her best to smile.

"It should be fine," Noah said, then her grandfather looked at her with a sad smile.

"Are you sure? I want to make sure that you're completely okay with it," her grandfather said, then Noah bravely swallowed her fear and nodded her head.

"I'm sure, grandpa. I promise," Noah said, then the two men nodded their heads before they headed to the diner, which was right next to the beach.

"You good?" Brad asked Noah as they walked in behind her grandfather, then she nodded her head. Brad showed her his hand, then she quickly grabbed it and intertwined it with hers.

When they stepped in the diner, she immediately knew why it was her grandfather's favorite diner. Aside from the clear view of the sea and the surfers, the whole place looked like Noah's dad's home, which used to be decorated with surfboards and awards.

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