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You're my home.

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When Saturday came, the trio had a brilliant idea to go out for the day, especially since it has been a while since Noah's grandfather came and played bingo with his friends.

"Okay, so you kids pick me up after the game so we can all go out and eat, okay?" Noah's grandfather told the both of them as they walked towards the bingo place's entrance, then Brad and Noah nodded their heads.

"Yes, grandpa," Noah said, then her grandfather turned to Brad with a cross face.

"You better take good care of my granddaughter. You're the first suitor of hers that I've met so you better behave," her grandfather said, causing Brad to be a little tense.

"Yes, Pops. I promise," Brad said, then they waved each other goodbye. After making sure that Noah's grandfather was inside the building, they both got back in the car and looked at each other.

"The bingo game's good for about...4 hours, so, where to, princess?" Brad asked Noah, who smirked as she put her seatbelt on.

"You already know where I want to go," Noah winked, then Brad smiled as he twisted the key in the ignition, driving them out to a place that wasn't too far away.

After parking the car at a small parking lot next to a dock, Brad turned toward Noah, who took her seatbelt off.

"Are you sure that you're going to be alright? I don't want you to feel upset or anything because it will hurt me," Brad said, then Noah chuckled.

"I'm sure. If I get upset, you'll be the second one to know," Noah said, then Brad nodded his head as he asked Noah to stay in her seat for a while. He removed his seatbelt and climbed out of the car, then he took the backpack that he brought with him at the backseat before opening the passenger's door for Noah, who gathered her sketchpad and pencils in the process.

"Thank you," Noah said as Brad lent her a hand in climbing out of the car, then Brad held her hand as he led her to a place where he always went to as a child.

Brad carefully stepped inside the deck of the empty fisherman's boat, then he put his stuff down at the seat behind the helm of the ship. He assisted Noah to get in the boat, then she thanked him once she was in. She looked around the boat and saw that it looked like it has been a long while since the boat was used.

"I'm sure the engine's dead cold, so we probably won't be going boating today, as I said earlier," Brad said, then Noah smiled.

"And that's why I brought my sketch pad, so I can draw while you work on the boat's engine," Noah said, then Brad smiled.

"And that's why I love you. Now, go; the boat's bow has good lighting and is a comfortable place to sit on," Brad said, then Noah chuckled as she went out of the deck and sat down near the bow, where there's enough light for her drawing.

Before leaving the house this morning, she printed out the picture that she wanted to draw and clipped it on a blank page on her sketchpad. She then turned the page to where the paperclip was placed, then she started to sketch an outline.

Noah was immensely engrossed in her work, especially since she knew that, if Brad would ever go to where she was sitting, he wouldn't look at her sketch just yet and that he'd focus more on fixing the boat's engine. On the other hand, while Brad knew that Noah didn't like it when people look at her work when they're not finished yet, he was confident that Noah was doing a wonderful job in her sketch even though he had never seen it yet. They had enough faith in each other and it pushed them well to do what they had to.

Coffee Cups and Onion Rings || Brad Simpson (The Vamps) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now