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How do I love someone I can't trust?

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Waking up next to Brad almost made Noah forget all of her problems in an instant.

She squirmed a little on her bed so that she could have a good view of her boyfriend, who was lightly snoring in his sleep. She gently brushed his curls with her hands to sweep away those which were covering his forehead, then she just looked at him lovingly. Moments later, however, Brad started to stir, then his eyes slowly opened as they adjusted to the sunlight.

"Good morning," Noah said, making Brad smile almost immediately as he stretched his limbs a little, yawning quietly in the process.

"Good morning," Brad said, and he was about to lean over for a kiss, but Noah politely stopped him.

"My morning breath is horrible," Noah told Brad, who smiled.

"I don't care; I've got it, too," Brad said, then Noah chuckled.

"Well, that means I'm not kissing you," Noah said, which made Brad pout playfully. Noah couldn't resist his charming ways, making her think of an alternative.

"Fine. One on the cheek," Noah said, then Brad smiled before kissing her on her cheek, making her blush to a faint pink.

"We better do that kiss later after we use mouthwash," Noah said, then Brad laughed as he sat up from the bed.

"How was your sleep last night?" Brad asked Noah, who shrugged.

"Dreamless, which usually is a good sign," Noah said, then Brad smiled.

"Thank you for staying with me," Noah told Brad, who held her hand.

"Anytime, princess," Brad said, then they both got out of bed, had breakfast, and did their chores before they prepared to go to the hospital.

"Can't Cuddles come with us? He's been lonely for the past days," Noah asked Brad as she lightly brushed Cuddles' golden fur. Brad also bent down and did the same to Cuddles, who was happily waggling his tail.

"Unfortunately, there are no animals allowed in the hospital. But, maybe we can drop him off at the vet's? He trusts them there, plus, we're not completely sure when Pops will be let off, so we may not be here for the next couple of days, and someone needs to take care of him," Brad asked Noah, who complimented him for the good idea. Noah put on Cuddles' leash while Brad picked up his toys since he was the only one who can go inside Noah's grandfather's room, then they loaded him in the car and locked the house.

They were quiet during the whole way, however, every now and then, Brad's hand would rest on Noah's thigh, then she would put her hand on top of his so she can hold it. Cuddles was a good boy at the backseat, and, if anything, he was just relaxed during the entire journey, which stopped when Brad pulled over right in front of the veterinary clinic.

"Brad! Cuddles! What can I do for you today?" The receptionist asked them, then Brad immediately returned her a smile.

"Oh, erm, Norman's currently at the hospital right now for God knows how long, and we kind of need a place for Cuddles to stay at the moment? We don't want him to feel lonely, and he only trusts you guys, so..." Brad trailed off, then he turned to Noah.

"By the way, this is his granddaughter, Noah," Brad said to the receptionist, who happily shook hands with Noah.

"Joanne. It's nice to meet you," the receptionist told Noah, who looked at Brad again.

"Well, I guess there's always room for Cuddles the mute support dog here. Anything for one of our rescues," Joanne said, and Noah was surprised.

How did she not know that Cuddles was a support dog?

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