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Black lives still matter. Activists are not terrorists; people in authority who abuse their power are. Save Yemen. Climate change is real. Give the LGBTQ+ community their rights. Educate yourselves. Sign petitions. Donate if you can. Period.


Imagine if sadness didn't exist.

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The first things that Noah saw when she woke up were an old man, a cute guy, and a panting dog, and they were all enough to make her smile.

"Ohhhhh!" The two men yelled, then Noah blushed as she put a hand over her face. Of course they knew. She was forced to say it a days ago, when they all decided to be closer together.

"For she's three-six-five days older, for she's three-six-five days older, for she's three-six-five days older!" The two men cheered, earning a laugh from Noah as Cuddles shamelessly dived on her bed and rested on her legs.

"Happy birthday to Noah!" The two men ended their finale by blowing on their respective party horns, making Noah laugh as she covered Cuddles' ears.

"Thank you, boys. The queen feels loved," Noah said, then her grandfather went to her for a hug, which she returned. He then cleared his throat and gave Noah a small envelope.

"It's your gift from your mother. She thought that you may want to buy yourself something special for yourself today?" Her grandfather told her, then she shrugged.

"I mean, I do have a couple things in mind. But, anyway, thank you so much! I promise I'll spend it on something worthwhile," Noah said, then her grandfather gave her a small kiss on the forehead before leaving her room.

"I, uh, also made this for you. Since you were going out today, I figured that you might need this in your journey," Brad said as he handed her a CD case with a CD labeled Happy Birthday, Noah!

"Awww. Brad, thank you!" Noah said, then she stood up from her bed and gave him a small hug, which he returned. She then started getting ready for her day of shopping, especially since she was planning to buy art supplies and clothes that she could transform.

After putting in the mixtape Brad gave her, Taylor Swift's 22 started playing from the speakers, and she couldn't stop laughing at Brad's cheeky move, which she loved, anyway. She then went to multiple shops, jamming along to the songs in the mixtape, which she enjoyed.

When she was done with her shopping, she still had some money to spare, so she went to the diner where James and Tristan worked.

"The queen has arrived!" James said, then Noah chuckled as she went to a chair near the counter and put her bag down.

"So, I wanted to confirm the rumours myself. Is it your birthday today?" James asked Noah, who chuckled.

"I don't want to confirm that because I don't want to get anything for free. Tristan did that last time but he doesn't know that I know that he got in trouble for it," Noah said, then James swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Meh, I'm sure it was worth it. But, anyway, if you do have an ID that proves that it's your birthday today, you can avail your free milkshake," James said, making Noah open her eyes widely as he caught her interest.

"And you're sure that this is store policy?" Noah said, making James chuckle and nod his head. Noah immediately brought her purse out and fished for an ID that had her birthday on it, willingly giving it to James, who looked for her birthday.

"Tristan! It really is her birthday today!" James yelled, then Tristan ran out of the door with a smile on his face as he brought out a milkshake with Noah's favorite toppings along with a plate full of onion rings.

Coffee Cups and Onion Rings || Brad Simpson (The Vamps) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now