Chapter 8

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"I don't see why you're asking for my help." Jennie didn't look up from her textbook, writing notes for her AP English Class.

I gave Jennie a frown. I mean sure, asking Riley for help to talk to Desmond would've been tricky because she's an inquisitive girl.

I could've asked Tyler but since he's sort of into me I don't think he would like it if I asked about some other guy in his presence. So no to Tyler.

Samantha. Since Alec (her boyfriend) and Desmond were on the same football team, it would've been easier. But she had plans instead of watching her boyfriend practice for their game in a few weeks.

I didn't even consider the other girls. They all had busy lives and I think the one that actually would do this with me is Jennie.

Her best guy friend is on the team and she usually goes out for a drink with him after their game. So I thought that if I tagged along with her as they practiced, I could get to talk to Desmond.

"Well, I mean, you usually don't go with others and I thought you needed some company-"

"I'm not dumb, Dawn." She looked up at me with her blue eyes, "Who do you want to talk to and why?"

I'm starting to think out of all of us, Jennie might be the one who isn't as clueless. I sighed, and closed my eyes, not responding.

"We're supposed to be friends, you know." She said, making me open my eyes, "And if you want to become that exclusive with me, might as well trust me a little bit "

"Okay, fine." I started, "So, I messed up big time. Like, Desmond isn't talking to me at home and I need to talk to him one way or the other."

She rose a brow, "So you want to stop by football practice and give him a surprise visit?" I nodded, "Sounds interesting. Meet me by the study at 1:30PM tommorow. I'll be waiting by you and Riley's usual spot."

I felt so happy I stood up and went to go hug her from behind. She stiffened at first as I wrapped my arms around her neck, but she managed to pat my arms. At least I'm getting somewhere with her.

I went back to sit down, and she gave me a smug look, "What?"

"You think I was going to do this for free?" She smirked, amusement laced in her voice, "I need to ask you a few questions."

"Go ahead, I don't care." The words slipped out of my mouth so easily I forgot that I had to keep up a good image.

Jennie gave me an actual smile, "I really don't get why you're trying to hide your ego. I can practically smell the ego oozing out of you."

Well then, she doesn't know how to filter things. What a perfect friend.

I decided to be brief, "It's not ego, it's just sheer self importance."

"Another word for it is egotistical, or maybe naive, or maybe even-"

"Alright, I get it, I have an ego," I rolled my eyes, "Start with your questions, Jennie. I don't have all the patience in the world."

She put a hand to her chest and pouted, "Ouch, Dawn, that really shattered my confidence, you know." She removed her hand and gave me her phone, "So, tell me how you like us so far."

How do I like them so far?

"You guys seem nice. My type, for sure, " Except I think I'm worse, "And you're all so nice to me, helped me get the hang of school and-"

"Dude." She rolled her eyes, unlocking her phone and opening up her contact for me to copy down, "What I meant was, do you think we're these rude, egocentrical b*tches that think they run the school? And that Riley is acting like Sharpay from High School Musical?"

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