Chapter 22

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By lunchtime, the whole place was buzzing with gossip.

About me.

About Riley and Samantha's falling out.

About a lot of things. It's actually scaring me a little. Sike, been there, done that.

Samantha had the audacity to come and sit with us, while Desmond snagged looks at her now and then, gaining a very sour look from Mark.

Riley didn't say anything. She was deeply wounded and if she couldn't tell me, she would've told Christina, who's on the other side of her.

Seeing Riley sad makes me mad (hey, I rhymed) because she's such a beautiful girl that doesn't need to be treated like this. And I don't care if she's speechless today, I'mma speak on her behalf. Besides, I didn't like Samantha that much anyways.

Samantha gave a very sad look, "Guys, can we please act normal?"

I rolled my eyes, "Act normal after you really messed up with us?"

She narrowed her eyes at me, "It's not us, it's Riley. And she has a mouth I'm pretty sure she can speak for herself."

"And Desmond has a cock, I'm pretty sure you can fill your mouth with it." I smiled sweetly.

Jennie chuckled lowly while Christina whispered to Riley softly after that.

Samantha slammed her hand on the table, "It's not even like that."

"Pretty sure it is, considering you really liked him sticking his tongue down your throat." I laughed, "It really is like that."

"Stop acting like a bitch and listen to what I have to say." She murmured, "I don't like Desmond."

It was Jennie's turn to speak up, "Then go say it to his face, you know since he's over there."

Christina stopped whispering and nodded while Riley faced Samantha, "Yeah, it's the only way to prove it."

Riley grabbed a fistful of Samantha's hair over the table and sneered in her ear, "And remember, I know when you're lying."

Samantha hissed as Riley let go and sat back in her chair, with both Christina and I placing a hand on her shoulder.

Samantha stood slowly, and walked up to Desmond's table. The boys looked at her and just waited. Desmond stood up and smirked at her. A few heads from other tables turned their way.

Oh how I wish I had popcorn with me right now. Such cinematic beauty shouldn't be wasted on a chicken sandwich.

"Desmond, what you did earlier was not acceptable." She said, loud enough for us to hear, "You know we don't like each other."

Desmond began to chuckle, "I didn't do it cause I liked you. I did it cause I wanted to show Riley what she was missing."

Riley's face grew angry, and so did mine. As if we were one, the 4 of us stood up and walked to their table, our postures really good and bossy. Riley placed her hands on her hips. Christin and I placed our arms on Riley's shoulder.

Desmond didn't look at me again. But I finally realized what he was doing.

He was indirectly talking to me, not to Riley.

He didn't want to blow the cover. But you know what?

2 can play that game.

"She isn't missing anything she has someone who appreciates her and cared for her, unlike you and your little entourage."

Mark stood up and came by my side. He  dropped a little lower and leaned close to my ear, fanning it with his hot breath, "Don't do anything stupid." He whispered, before moving back up and pushing me out the way to get to Riley's side.

He draped an arm over her shoulders, "You wanna say something about my sister, we throw hands. There are no 2 ways about it."

Riley gave her brother a smile, but then her face hardened when she looked at Desmond again, "What he said."

Desmond chuckled, his hands curled into fists already. He lifted one up, and Mark stepped away from his sister to reciprocate.

And that's when Desmond finally looked at me.

When he did, his eyes softened a bit and he dropped his fist, "It's not worth it." He muttered, sitting back down.

Mark must've noticed this because his gaze immediately shifted to my eyes, and he gave me the we need to talk look.

He then looked around the cafeteria, noticing everyone's eyes on us, "What are you guys looking at?!" He barked, with people immediately returning to their own activities as the girls and I sat down.

Riley gave us a conflicted look, "We're talking in study at the balcony. Don't you dare be late by the balcony."


Riley waited patiently by the balcony, her hands resting on the bar as she stared down. Her book bag was on the floor, and she looked so lost in thought you'd think her soul left earth and went to heaven.

I was walking with Jennie and Christina, while Samantha was no where to be found. Typical.

Clutching my books a little tighter, I walked towards her, and tapped her shoulder.

Riley didn't even turn to look at me, but continued to stare down the balcony, "Is everyone here?"

"No." Jennie said, joining my side as she nudged my shoulder a bit l, "Sam isn't here."

Riley finally looked at us, her eyes narrowing at Christina behind me, "Well, what are you waiting for? Come over here, Chrissy."

Christina shrugged and we suddenly formed a circle. Riley looked like the leader, and she definitely acted like it.

Before she could even begin, Samantha made her way to us, her makeup stained and black eye liner mixes with mascara running down her cheeks. I almost felt bad for her.

I said almost.

But seems as if Riley has a softer heart than mine because she walked up to Sam and touched her shoulders gently, "Sam, what happened?"

"I thought I lost my best friends." She sniffed, "You know I wouldn't betray you like that."

Riley didn't seem convinced and Jennie pitched in to save her, "You know how to detect weakness, I'm pretty sure Sam isn't lying."

"Yeah," I surprisingly responded, "Any guilty person would avert their eyes, that's what my dad told me."

Riley still didn't budge, so Christina finally spoke, "Riley, believe us, she's not lying to you."

It finally seemed to dawn on her finally and she released the poor girl, making her way back to our circle.  Riley stood and crossed her arms, taking us in.

"Dawn, tell your cousin to get a life." Riley scolded me.

"But he's not my-"

"Sam, go to your Twitter and start a new hashtag called bring Des down." She ignored me but when I took Sam by the hand she gave me a look, "You're no doing this right now."

I held Sam's hand firmly, "No, you're not trashing my cousin."

"I thought you said he wasn't your cousin?" Riley rose a brow. So the bitch was listening, huh?

"It doesn't matter, you're still not going to trash my family. And that's final." I sternly said.

She gave me a look, "Are you serious?"

I nodded, "You can't just try and attack my family. Attack them, attack me, and you don't want that, trust me."

"What would you know about attacking?" She got into my face and I released Sam's hand.

I looked into her grey eyes without fear, "A lot, Riley. You're lucky we're on the same side."

We had a little stare off and she then sighed, giving me a smirk while backing up, "You've got a strong backbone, I like that."


"So, let me tell you the reason I brought you guys here." She said, then asked us to come closer as she told us why.

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