II. Everything Looks Different (Without You)

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"If there's anything that being in a relationship has taught me is that some people stay as photographs and some people aren't even in the frame." - L.T

~ Harry ~

It's half past six by the time I finally stirred awake, the sheets still clinging loosely around my hips much to my distaste. With barely any motivation to get up on this particular morning, I did so anyways knowing if I didn't my professor would be displeased.

Although I wasn't like I was when I attended Prescott Academy, the same basic concept applied; I would be late nonetheless. I put more of an effort in my studies here, which didn't surprise me as I had no particular distraction to dilute me.

I glanced at the clock my my bed side, reading the time with a half-awake attention span as I slowly rolled out of my extra large twin sized bed. It accommodated the height factor, but not so much considered my inept ability to stay still when I slept so I fell out a few times.

I marched into my bathroom, eager to wake myself up with a splash of cool water in the face. After briefly showering and coming through the monstrosity that it my hair, I pulled the strands back into a bun before leisurely returning to my room in just my boxers.

I changed into a fresh pair of black jeans before pulling on a v-neck in the same color; black seemed to really reflect my soul these days. I gathered my books and shoved them into my satchel, along with my phone and wallet.

I sighed heavily as I left my apartment, being sure to lock it securely after hearing rumours of a thief running loose in the building. I wasn't too worried though; I had nothing valuable, but nonetheless if this thief happened to be an axe murderer it'd be best to take precautions so I don't come home to an axe in my chest.

The long crusade to the elevator kept me momentarily at ease, until I read the unpleasant sign plastered on the door saying out of order.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

I muttered under my breath, already late as it is. I hurtled down the stairs, my long legs finally put into good use as I skipped five steps each time. I was out my apartment in less than five minutes and on my motorcycle the next.

I was lucky enough that the roads weren't too busy at this time, but I knew in a couple of minutes it would all change. I parked my bike in the school's underground garage before rushing onto the campus grounds.

I was twenty three minutes late for my class, and after a shockingly short lecture about my horrible time management, I proceeded to take my usual seat. Class went on for a brief hour and a half before ending miraculously on time, unlike previous days when professor Scott would overkill on the lessons.

As soon as the bell rung, I rushed to professor Scott. He looked pleased to see me coming to him, and he scratched his white beard before motioning me to come closer.

"Professor I think I have a few questions about Diderot's theory on human echolocation." I said as I leaned on his desk.

"You always question the theories I teach, Mr. Styles. I both admire and dislike that about you." He chuckled as he brushed his hands together.

"What is it this time?" He asked as he sat at the edge of his desk with his arms crossed.

"It's regarding to the blind's ability to perform better than the sighted." I started,

"Is it possible that with further advancement in let's say research or active treatments, is it possible for the blind to see? I understand Diderot's theory was tested with blind and sighted individuals and the blind were able to detect object around them using echolocation but what about actual sight? Like is it possible, sometime in the future?"

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