XVII. The Colours We Are In A World That's Black And White

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my instagram: namelessdimples

leave yours in the comments I wanna follow u // happy belated birthday to my queent ariana, wish I updated on your birthday but w/e also happy pride and congratulations to america for legalizing gay marriage in all 50 states. y'all rock. 

(im from canada but w/e we're mutuals, we support u)

love ya, enjoy :)


~ Ariana ~

As we neared the building, its edifice became fully visible and I couldn't help but release a marvelled gasp at the sight of its stateliness.

The building itself looked modernized, as if to mirror its purpose. The outside was lined in mirroring glass with one rectangular piece protruding at the end that had 'MoMa' boldly inscribed in black.

Walking towards the entrance, I could see myself to my left. I could see how my hair messily flowed against the wind and how bare my face looked– there was no way of avoiding the bags under my tired eyes. Then my eyes followed the way Harry swung our hands. They widened at the difference in their sizes; how small my hand looked in his large one.

We're not the only ones interested in exploring today. Of course the building is nearly full to the brim with people handling the same idea. As we enter the museum itself, Harry puffed his chest out and held his head high as he guided the both of us through the growing crowd. As always, I came face to face with some bodies through unwanted physical contact, but what could I really do.

"I don't know where to begin." Harry spoke up as we reached the centre of the entrance hall.

Looking around, I noticed at least seven different directions we could go in. With my limited knowledge of the building, I knew it would be best if we got a map or at least asked someone for help.

"Why don't we check out the more famous stuff first?" I asked him.

Harry slowly nodded his head.

"Yeah, let's do that. Perfect. Now, where are they?" He asked.

I shrugged, laughing inwardly. Harry looked extremely cute all flustered and excited about this kind of stuff.

"I don't know, why don't you grab a map and we'll figure it out." I told him.

"Good point." He said, looking around again. "You wait here, I'll grab us a map."

As I nodded, Harry released my hand and continued onward on his mini quest to find a map. Though I already spotted a kiosk that had one, it was too late to tell him. Shrugging it off, I approached the kiosk myself and took one myself. I unfolded the glossy paper and sighed.

"Damn, this place is huge." I murmured to myself as my eyes scanned the entire map.

I recognized colours and could read some of the words but the symbols confused the heck out of me. I felt like I was looking at something from another planet.

"Do you need help with anything?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin from the sudden voice. Unfamiliar to me, I turned to the source with my lips pressed in a firm line. I blinked a few times as I took in the man in front of me. His uniform-like attire assured me that he worked here, but he looked way too young to be working here full time.

As I discussed this revelation in my mind, his warm brown eyes darted from me to the map in my hand.

"Are you looking for a particular exhibit?" He asked sweetly, but not in a way that was flirtatious in any way, he just sounded very nice.

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