V. I Can Still Hear Your Heartbeat From Here

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Earlier that same day...

~ Ariana ~

I woke up feeling cold. My limbs were aching and my chest felt numb. I was sandwiched between thick sheets and soft pillows, and still I felt cold.

I climbed out of bed and felt around for some article of clothing to warm up my arms. Eventually I found a sweater and pulled it on.

It smelt a lot like Harry; a mixture of musk and peppermint-- mostly peppermint and a tinge of vanilla, so I assumed it was his. Well it must have been as it reached my thighs. I remembered his smell so well, like a memory.

Ignoring the cold floor, my feet were already frozen anyways, I tiptoed across the room and towards the door. I think.

It took three tries but I found the door knob eventually and gave it a twist. I popped my head out and inhaled the fresh scent of strawberries, hmmm my favourite.

I could distinctly hear the sound of clattering, the person unintentionally banging their cutlery against his plate. I came to realize this person was a man. He was humming as well; a tune I didn't know but it sounded heavenly coming from his lips.

I must be dreaming.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. This moment seemed familiar.

"Who are you?" I asked, making my appearance known causing the man to stop his angelic humming.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry did I wake you?" I was surprised by the familiar voice. What's Harry doing in my dream?

 "No, your food did." I trailed off. This seemed way too familiar.

"Well my cooking does have that effect on people." he replied with a short laugh. I gasped as his lips met the corner of my mouth. I pushed him away.

"Is something wrong my love?" He asked. God, how long as it been since I heard him call me that?

I shook my head slowly, "Uh no, I'm fine." I replied.

"Babe you're scaring me. Are you sure you're fine? You're acting kind of fishy." I felt his large hands cup my cheeks, causing my lips to purse like a fish. God, even in my dreams he's an idiot.

"I'm fine." I giggled, shaking myself free from his grip. "Let's eat."

I sighed as he took my hand in his. I followed him into the kitchen, his hand never leaving mine. "I smell strawberries and strawberries are my weakness."

"I know love, that's why I made you strawberry erm shortcake stacked pancakes." he said, sounding monotonous as if he was reading off something.

"I found the recipe online on some vegan food website and figured I'd give it a try." he said.

"It sounds delightful." I told him truthfully. I smiled a little, feeling touched and equally surprised by Harry's sweet gesture. He still remembers.

"I tried some." Harry added. "I cleared my plate so I expect you to do the same."

"I'm sure I will." I told him as I took a seat.

"Okay here it is." Harry said as I heard him place the plate in front of me. "Tell me what you think, and I want none of that moaning you do."

"Pushy, pushy." I muttered as I picked up my fork and began to eat.

I was chewing and nodding along to myself as I evaluated the overall taste and texture of Harry's pancakes. God that sounded a bit wrong to the mindful ear, I giggled to myself.

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